Joy Buzzer – IOTW Report

Joy Buzzer

Scientists are reporting that they can create feelings of actual joyfulness by the proper application of a little electricity to the brain. “By electrically stimulating a brain region known as the Cingulum, scientists created spontaneous laughter and a sense of calm and joy in three different patients.” More

I wonder what would be the best way to commercialize these findings?

22 Comments on Joy Buzzer

  1. The left has done the same thing in sexualing children. (Remember, the democrat party is infestes with clinton-donating pedophiles).

    Like cutting edge media being used first for porn, theae kinds of thing will be used first in war. Being the left and their GOPe lackys are at war with us, look out.

  2. So we hook these gizmos up to street gang members. The Crips and the Bloods suddenly change their names to Jets and Sharks, and instead of drive-bys we have dance offs – although things probably still end badly for Tony.

    Or we attach these things to Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez. They then both realize they are complete asshats, but they are able to laugh about it and feel better.

    We implant one of these devices into Adam Schiff, but all that happens is that Schiff is still a complete jerk. Not every invention is perfect.

    Finally, we give one to Hillary. She writes a follow-up book “What Happened Was That I Was A Complete Self-Serving, Money Grubbing, Power Hungry Bitch Who Doesn’t Give A Crap About Anyone,” goes on tour, and is happy with the $436.78 in book sales. She apologizes for being associated with Bill and Chelsea, and then spends the rest of her days barking at firetrucks and drinking cheap wine.

  3. Soon to be mandatory for those with a low Social Justice scores, and those found with guns or Bibles.
    After a while, the signal will be beamed to earth by satellite. Free to all. Until the proles act up.
    Then withholding the signal becomes discipline for misdeeds or wrongful thought.

  4. The droud was a standard make, but it had been altered. Your standard current addict’s droud will pass only a trickle of house current into the brain.

    From Death by Ecstasy, by Larry Niven.
    Published by Galaxy Magazine in 1969

  5. @Donald Horne, you beat me to it. Drouds will be the new meth/heroin/name your drug and tasps will be available to “make someone’s day”. At least the crime associated with drugs will disappear – who needs them when a little house current does the job so much better.


  6. Hmmmm. Three whole different patients huh? Might have gotten the same response with “Good & Plentys”…..
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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