Bill Maher Should Be Named Chef BoyarUstupid – IOTW Report

Bill Maher Should Be Named Chef BoyarUstupid

Maher tried to “burn” middle America with some childish elitist crap and ended up looking like, as usual, a moron.

Bill Maher says red state voters are jealous of blue states: “We have chef Wolfgang Puck, they have Chef Boyardee”

He was also awarded the Gold Star order of excellence by the US War Dept for sending rations to troops during WWII.

ht/ hot salsa

32 Comments on Bill Maher Should Be Named Chef BoyarUstupid

  1. Aaaand everyone has access to Chef Boyardee foods. EVERYONE.
    Can you say the same thing about Wolfie? No. You can’t.

    I thought libs were all about “Access”? LOL

    Note: I’m not clowning Wolfie. Just the smug greasy and pasty bastard in the post.

  2. Yeah, like blue state blacks never eat Chef Boyardee.
    Once again, when white elitists imagine blue states, it’s completely white. Otherwise he wouldn’t say such a stupid thing.

  3. “Why are so many people escaping from blue states to red states?”

    …so they can vote Democrat in the NEW state until it’s just as bad as the OLD state, @TP…

  4. Given the environment where Maher plies his trade, an audience full of barking seals that flipper flaps on his every word, moral preening is a given.

    Besides, we do the same thing, drawing delineation lines validates our positions. Lefties are the most shallow, narrow minded, miserable,bitter, lazy thinkers in probably the history of the planet. Here in the Bay Area I am surrounded by them. Group think, and the notion that the rest of their fellow lefties are just as beaten down and cranky as they are, rudderless and purposeless, keeps each one from sucking on their glocks at the end of the day, that is those that aren’t repulsed at even the mention of a firearm. It is a pitiful existence.

  5. Every picture I see of Mahr, he looks like he’s eating a banana. Then, I realize it’s his nose, not a banana.

    But then, he could eat his own nose if he got hungry. Not exactly one of Wolfgang’s inspired creations.

    BTW, Puck seems to have his frozen concoctions in every super in the country. The Hatfields & McCoys back there in back-woods Kentucky may be aficionados of Puck’s stuff for all we known.

  6. With that schnozz, Mahr must go through 3 boxes of Kleenex a day when he has a sniffle. Imagine if he used the “close one nostril method” and blew it out of the other one. Cripes, the snot would cover a half acre.

  7. @TP February 24, 2019 at 1:04 pm

    > Why are so many people escaping from blue states to red states?

    Unconquered territory — land filled with Eloi, that will line up at the official bell.

  8. God was not kind to Bill Maher. He put Bills dick where his nose was supposed to be and his nose where his dick was supposed to be.

    Now, every time he sneezes he gets boogers in his pants.

  9. After Hurricane Irma hit the Keys…The National Guard was

    giving out Water …I pulled into the line…and just asked for

    one case of water..(I’m not greedy) and the Young Soldier

    gave Me a couple boxes of Food…I mentioned I didn’t need

    the Food as I had prepared for the worst and stocked up( I’m not

    Stupid) He said please take it …I did

    It had Chef Boyardee Mini Ravioli’s in it….

    I’ve been addicted ever since….

    Reminds Me of the Song by the Bare Naked Ladies

    Basically saying “We’re rich now, and We don’t have to eat this

    anymore….But We Will”

  10. Maher is a type of expert on Chef Boyardee. He’s had a can of it stuffed up his ass for quite some time.

    May his servants rise up to poison his blithe and arrogant self.

  11. @Junius

    -“This scummy little troglodyte has a huge penis hanging off his extremely punchable face.”

    When his schnozz gets long and upright, is it because he’s thinking of some girl or is it because he’s lying?


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