Congressional Black Caucus Well Represented at S. African Beyoncé Concert – IOTW Report

Congressional Black Caucus Well Represented at S. African Beyoncé Concert

Five members of the congressional black caucus went on a three day junket in December to South Africa. They attended “Global Citizen Mandela 100” event, December  1- 3,  that featured various performers like Beyoncé, Jay Z and Pharrell Williams.


Al Sharpton went along and took some group photos. More

Their travels cost taxpayers $60,000.

27 Comments on Congressional Black Caucus Well Represented at S. African Beyoncé Concert

  1. When is Congress going to start limiting these sorts of Junkets for it’s members. It was first class travel, first class accommodations and food and first class entertainment. I bet money after a day they wouldn’t be able to remember the reason they were there. By the way, where are the white delegates?

  2. Hank Johnson has the angry look of a man who doesn’t know where he is, what he’s doing or who the people are he’s with, but doesn’t want to admit it or ask anyone to help him.

  3. Concert tickets were cheap since the venue was seized farmland formerly occupied for 138 years by white farm owners. Since nothing seems to grow on the property with the new owners, a concert seemed like the best use for it at the time.

    Due to predicted rising food shortages in the near future, the land will be repurposed as a cemetery/mass burial facility.

    Mandela and his legacy will kill more blacks in South Africa than the whites ever did.

  4. When you have nothing going for you, get into politics.

    When you are a crook and dont have the balls to join organized crime, you join this group.

    These people are very easy to bribe, aret they?

    As for thst idiot beyonce: she is bought and paid for by the democtat media.

  5. I don’t “get” it. Seriously.

    What is the possible justification for writing this off at taxpayer expense? What is the line item justification on the expense? How would it be listed? …..Lady in Red

  6. How would it be listed? …..Lady in Red
    Affirmative Action,,
    Equal Opportunity,
    or my personal favorite,
    MSM informed and believed unedumacated mental Illness


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