James Woods’ Twitter feed- Enjoy it while we can – IOTW Report

James Woods’ Twitter feed- Enjoy it while we can

26 Comments on James Woods’ Twitter feed- Enjoy it while we can

  1. its only a matter of time before the buffoons at TWITTER ban him. My guess as the 2020 approaches they will remove his account and then claim it as “an accident” while he rebuilds his whole huge base the day after the election.

  2. When is some smart wanna-be millionaire going to start a conservative twitter/facebook/google? Way overdue and easy money. Tell your grandkids there’s a fortune to be made.

  3. Mr. Woods might be too big a target, like Trump. I follow them as well as titania mcgrath, a HILARIOUS parody account they tried to delete, but the outcry was too great and they brought her back. I literally laugh out loud at some of her tweets ( probably a dude because she is so funny).

  4. @Steven – I think WDS was using the same ploy that Crowder uses when he sets up a table (usually at a university) and has a sign with some statement and “Change my mind” underneath. Which is pretty witty. I could be wrong. Usually am, so never mind.

  5. Woods is one of the best but that cop, wow. Right there is an example of what they always say, never pull a gun unless you plan on using it and that fat harley riding ass proved it. Kudos to officer whoever, well done thou good and faithful servant, you lived another day to return to your wife and kids. God Bless.

  6. “How is the officer to know he is not a threat.”

    Because the cop is looking at his hands. Just like he was trained. When he put the second guy behind his front sight, the hands came up empty and he stopped closing the distance.

    This officer didn’t sleep through his classes in “Oh Shit”. But bear in mind, even with a justified shoot like this one, it’s working on his mind afterward. It always does.


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