Oscars Ratings Drop Sees ABC Offering Advertisers Guarantees For First Time; Network Denies – IOTW Report

Oscars Ratings Drop Sees ABC Offering Advertisers Guarantees For First Time; Network Denies


deadline: Even before the host and category chaos that have hobbled the ceremony in recent weeks, the Disney-owned network found itself forced to guarantee a ratings threshold to keep the deepest-pocketed buyers happy.

“The Oscars are still a very big deal, but people aren’t stupid, and year after year of declining ratings are getting us to a danger zone,” an insider told Deadline of the need for the guarantees after several years of record-low demo and viewership results for the Academy Awards.

“We are right on the edge of that danger zone — not close, but on it — and that makes advertisers very nervous,” the source added, noting it was long-term advertisers such as car companies, beer companies and consumer technology companies that got the threshold guarantees and the make-goods baked in if necessary.

Down double digits from 2017 and falling to a new all-time low, the 90th Oscars snagged 26.5 million viewers and a weakened 6.8/24 among adults 18-49.

“It’s very unlikely that things will fall so radically this year that they’ll drop beneath those thresholds, but the fact is that there finally had to be such guarantees was a wake-up call to everyone,” another exec told us of the standards ABC agreed to for the notoriously long-running Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences show. read more


21 Comments on Oscars Ratings Drop Sees ABC Offering Advertisers Guarantees For First Time; Network Denies

  1. Ho-Wood is now irrelevant to most people. they have continually insulted the intelligence of their customers by producing absolute dreck & constant denigration of those that they depend upon. in actuality, they’re too stupid & arrogant to realize that the public no longer needs, or cares about them.

    Congrats Ho-Wood, you are quickly becoming one of the first industries to be replaced by AI

  2. Can they understand that they ain’t putting out a product that nobody really wants to see?…..I’ve been watching/staring/genuflecting over the guts of my snowblower carburetor for a day and a half and it beats the shit out of watching a Spike Lee movie…

  3. I didn’t watch it (surprise) but did anyone exhibit stupendous colossal bravery by saying ,”F@ck Trump”? The king nit of wits Jussie Smollett, when asked why he was targeted said he has been critical of 45, what a dope, he and everyone else in Hollywood, lock step with the rest of herd, such bravery and courage.

  4. Speaking of Spike Lee, filling in for Robert DeNitwit…

    His attempt to slam Trump and Trumps reply. The only thing comes to mind is Organ grinder and a monkey.

  5. CBS radio was bragging about Oscar viewership being “UP” last night! 🙄

    Much like the monthly Obamanomics report, I suppose the revised DOWNWARD numbers will be released – in small print, on p.D14 – NEXT month… 😳

  6. @Willy – if your carb is one of those new plastic ones, would advise toss and replace. They aren’t really serviceable and the ethanol in gas destroys them. Good luck!

  7. Different Tim…got it running good…Rotted primer tubing and maybe a stuck float….I don’t need to use it much (once before), but we’ve had 17 inches in the last 2 weeks…..I’m actually excited to be blowing snow tomorrow in mid-teen weather….

  8. Aaron ….my primer bulb works fine and has for 61 + years….I only have a Lt. Governors spring, but the line has been drawn and she’s over it….kitchen smells like gasoline, exhaust , lacquer thinner on frozen pizza…

  9. willy?
    You fortunate magnificent Bastard!
    (my primer bulb works fine and has for 61 + years….I only have a Lt. Governors spring, but the line has been drawn and she’s over it….kitchen smells like gasoline, exhaust , lacquer thinner on frozen pizza…)
    Sincere best to you for another 40 years


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