Dumb Jury Awards Dumb Woman 15 mil For Running Over Railroad Tracks Without Looking – IOTW Report

Dumb Jury Awards Dumb Woman 15 mil For Running Over Railroad Tracks Without Looking


A jury awarded the woman, Andrea “Amy” Laing $15 million, saying TriMet could have installed better pedestrian safety features. Also, jurors said TriMet hadn’t proven the earbuds the woman was carrying were actually in her ears at the time of the collision.

ht/ jd hasty

36 Comments on Dumb Jury Awards Dumb Woman 15 mil For Running Over Railroad Tracks Without Looking

  1. “better pedestrian safety features”??????
    You mean like eyeballs, eardrums, a brains, and a neck that can swivel the cranium? It’s awards like this that makes it almost impossible to see the underlying material of a common step or extension ladder, they’re covered in so many warning and safety stickers.

  2. Another victim of hoodie blindness.

    She was running toward a railroad crossing at full speed with blinders on and music blasting in her ears. The award will be successfully appealed. Oh wait — its Oregon.

  3. “…brains…”

    …liberals typically lack THIS feature, @F4UCorsair, and most runners are liberals.

    …without THAT rather central part, the REST of the features you list are useless…

  4. Both Runners and Bicycle riders have a tendency to do stupid, and often illegal, things then blame the predictable results on anything and everything except themselves doing something stupid that got them hurt.

  5. …I served on a “Quint” ladder/pumper type fire truck for a number of years, and it’s about the biggest, loudest, flashiest thing you’ll ever see on an American street short of a tiller-steer dedicated ladder truck. This thing was MASSIVE, and it was well-supplied with all the literal, and VERY LOUD bells and whistles, plus sirens and other mechanical sounding devices, and absolutely FESTOONED with flashing, spinning, blinking,pulsating lights BESIDES being heavy in well-polished chrome AND the sneering shade of red that fire engines get. And these were old-school BEAM type lights, too, not this sissy LED stuff the kids do now that you can’t see two dozen feet away.

    Despite all that, it was not at ALL unusual for folks to blither along happily, listening to their cassette players at MAX volume in their tinted window cars and switching lanes RIGHT IN FRONT of the Quint, or stumble out into an intersection in FRONT of it while engrossed in their Walkman and checking out the babes on tbe other side of the street.

    Those trucks are NOT easy to stop in short distances, since they weigh a LOT and have hundreds of gallons of water besides, and the guys in the jump seats do NOT enjoy the stop, but by the grace of God, we always managed.

    And it WAS kind of fun when they glanced in their rear-view and saw the juggernaut of Vishnu snorting up their tailpipe, although they were as likely to slam on the brakes as they were to swerve out of the way.

    And this was BEFORE sail phones.

    Everyone is WAY more oblivious NOW.

    And, evidence suggests (AOC), stupider.

    So, not surprised. Not surprised at ALL that she did it.

    Also not surprised that MODERN culture says they have to nerf EVERYTHING, even TRAINS. Car designs are boring BECAUSE the government DEMANDS they consider PEDESTRIAN safety. This is just the logical extension of THAT.

  6. After being on a couple of civil juries take my word for it. If you ever get sued and can manage it, have a judge hear the case with no jury. Both times the vast majority were emotionally driven idiots I served with.

  7. @ Billy Fuster FEBRUARY 26, 2019 AT 1:40 PM
    “Doubling down on her stupidity is the fact she’s wearing what would be considered camouflage (shades of gray and brown)in the Pacific Northwest”

    No kidding. I can’t count the number of near-misses I have had while driving at night because of imbeciles wearing black clothing while walking (or riding a bike) along a road at night, often in the rain and/or fog.

  8. “I autopsied a lady struck by a train. She crossed the tracks staring at her phone, with earphones in.”

    …I know a guy who works for CSX and once talked to an engineer for a time while transporting his daughter to a more distant hospital with him in the front seat, and they tell me that EVERY engineer has killed someone, @Anonymous. Not because they WANT to, but because of crap like THIS. Also in cars, trucks, horseback, you name it, but the HORSE usually tries to get away…

    And I had to pick a guy up off the railroad tracks that chose a rather novel method of suicide. Turns out the train WILL section you up, but it’s not always that clean, and it doesn’t look like it felt good, either, so I don’t envy you that autopsy…

  9. ‘” You are looking at the person most responsible for your safety.”

    A decal on most mirrors in industrial company toilets.’

    …which means the tranny checking out your junk in the corner of the mirror thinks that YOU’LL take care of zir, @.45-70…

  10. Back in the 60’s our school was bifurcated by a railroad spur, separating the main school from the gym and playing fields.

    I was alone and some RR guy hollered to me from the boxcar he was moving without a locomotive, to throw the switch in the track.

    I did so.

    Shoot. If i’d played my cards right I’d own Union Pacific now. The one legged 7th grader that owns a railroad.


  11. My Pop has been dead for 22 years now, but I still remember him decrying the lack of personal responsibility that was rewarded in courtrooms around the country…. I miss him every day.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  12. To ACParker, how true. Exactly the same thing happened in Eugene, Oregon years ago. Only it was a man, and he got killed. Jogging with music blasting in his ears, hit by a train!

  13. I have no sympathy for that stupidity.

    She should not have received any money for any reason. She put many peoples’ lives in danger. She should have been jailed and sued by the railroad.


  14. Looked to me like her head was turned in the direction of the train before she took that final leap.

    “TriMet hadn’t proven the earbuds the woman was carrying were actually in her ears at the time of the collision.”

    Oh, so she was deaf? LOL.


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