Never Give Up Your Guns – IOTW Report

Never Give Up Your Guns

N.D. gun buyback bill criticized by gun-control advocates as ‘dumbest piece of legislation’

The Dickinson Press – FARGO — A bill to ban gun buyback programs funded by tax dollars cruised through the North Dakota House but has drawn flak from national gun-control advocates.

House Bill 1381, which passed the House 66-26 Feb. 19 and now is being considered by the Senate, would ban gun buyback programs conducted by state agencies or local governments, as well as buybacks funded by taxpayer dollars.

The penalty for violating a prohibited buyback: a misdemeanor punishable by up to 360 days in jail and a fine of up to $3,000.

Rep. Luke Simons, R-Dickinson, is the bill’s prime sponsor. A rancher and former reserve deputy sheriff, Simons said he is unaware of any gun buyback programs in North Dakota, but sees them elsewhere in the country.

“I see what’s happening nationwide,” he said, adding that he wants to send a message that the programs are not welcome in North Dakota.

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13 Comments on Never Give Up Your Guns

  1. A lesson reinforced on me (I already had figured it out) 55 years ago. I had a friend named Ian Campbell. His uncle foolishly gave his weapon to some “community organizer”. they killed him and his partner with their own weapons!

    I never once said ALL scotch are smart. Just most.

    Death before dishonor is the only code for folk making a living with weapons! Give up our weapon you have not only dishonored yourself; but , as in the case of Ian Campbell, have allowed yourself to be maimed or killed.

    Life is hard!
    Community organizers have nor morals!~

  2. @old_oaks FEBRUARY 27, 2019 AT 6:54 PM
    “Buybacks are a great way to profit off garbage. I’ve been on the lookout for sub $100 guns. Broken or not, these buybacks often pay $200 or more.”

    In Oregon I can’t transfer a firearm without a background check on the transferee; should I insist the bureaucrat I hand my gun to, to submit to one?

  3. Solzhenitsyn lamented that people didn’t kill a few NKVD and KGB guys in their roundups – not that it would have stopped them, but it would have made them more cautious.
    Small arms are good for that. Most bullies are cowards and faint at the thought of dying.
    Think about it – it every arrested Jew had just killed 1 or 2 Nazis how different things might have been – same with the Gypsies – same with the fags – same with the Slavs – same with the communists – same with the democrats.
    16 million actually died in the “Holocaust” while only (ONLY?) 6 million or so were Jews. If each had killed one the Nazi war machine would have been seriously hampered.
    THAT is why the Demonrats (totalitarians – yes, some RINOs, too) are working so diligently to disarm us! Not because they think small arms can defeat armor, artillery, and bombs.
    And most cops would rather deal with guys tied to chairs or handcuffed – same as it ever was.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. TIM

    My favorite Prof said that 59 years ago; Dr. Ira Cohen.
    He said, “when they came to my place I’d die there – BUT ID TAKE A FEW MARXISTS WITH ME TO HELL!

    A very controversial prof; but I loved him.
    Juden that will not fight Marxists MESHUGANANA!


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