Michael Cohen Claims He Did Not Want White House Job Despite Reportedly Telling People He Would Be Chief of Staff – IOTW Report

Michael Cohen Claims He Did Not Want White House Job Despite Reportedly Telling People He Would Be Chief of Staff


Former Donald Trump attorney Michael Cohen potentially made another false statement during his testimony on Wednesday before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform when he claimed during Rep. Jim Jordan’s (R-OH) questioning that he did not want a job in the White House when Trump won the presidency.

Jordan, the ranking member of the committee, closed his opening questions to Cohen by asking about his desire to get a White House job.

“Mr. Cohen, how long did you work in the White House?” Jordan asked.

“I never worked in the White House,” Cohen replied.

“That’s the point, isn’t it, Mr. Cohen?” Jordan followed up.

“No, sir,” Cohen responded.

“Yes, it is,” Jordan said.

“No, it’s not,” Cohen said.

“You wanted to work in the White House,” Jordan said.

“No, sir,” Cohen said.

“You didn’t get brought to the dance,” Jordan said.

“Sir, I was extremely proud to be personal attorney to the President of the United States of America,” Cohen said. “I did not go to the White House. I was offered jobs. I can tell you a story of Mr. Trump reaming out Reince Priebus because I had not taken a job where Mr. Trump wanted me to, which is working with Don McGahn at the White House General Counsel’s office.”

After some crosstalk, Cohen continued.

“What I said at the time, and I brought a lawyer in who produced a memo as to why I should not go in–because there would be no attorney-client privilege,” Cohen said, adding, “and in order to handle some of the matters that I talked about in my opening, that it would be best suited for me not to go in, and that every president had a personal attorney.”

“Here’s what I see: I see a guy that worked for ten years who is here trashing the guy he worked for for ten years who didn’t get a job in the White House, and now you’re behaving just like everyone else who got fired or didn’t get the job they wanted, like Andy McCabe, like James Comey,” Jordan said. “The same kind of selfish motivation after you don’t get the thing you want. That’s what I see here today, and I think that’s what the American people see here, too.”

“All I wanted was what I got,” Cohen said. “To be personal attorney to the president, to enjoy the senior year of my son in high school, and waiting for my daughter, who is graduating from college to come back to New York. I got exactly what I want.”

Cohen is going to prison after pleading guilty to a variety of crimes, including lying to Congress. He claimed in his opening statement that he has lied but is not a “liar,” as President Trump has branded him, framing this hearing as his effort to come clean and tell the truth once and for all. But it appears as though Cohen might be lying again about the White House job potential, as many Trump officials, including Trump’s sons, Donald Trump Jr., and Eric Trump, have said in response to his testimony.

Arthur Schwartz, a GOP consultant who works with Trump Jr., said on Twitter that Cohen specifically complained to him about not getting a White House job…

SNIP: Even liberal media say the same.


CNN’s Tapper: All of Our Reporting Says Cohen Not Telling The Truth, He Did Want a White House Job.

10 Comments on Michael Cohen Claims He Did Not Want White House Job Despite Reportedly Telling People He Would Be Chief of Staff

  1. LOL!

    “Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee on if she’s watching the Cohen hearing:
    It’s on, but I’m doing other things. I think he has a credibility problem.”

  2. Michael Cohen has stated that President Trump asked him hundreds of timrs to threaten people???

    Give me a break!

    Cohen threaten anyone? — with a face like that???

    ROFLMAO. Wooo–eeeee! Stop it! You’re killing me!!!

  3. Let’s see … he’s been sentenced to jail for lying to Congress … and Congress has him as a witness?
    And everybody’s sitting there trying to look all serious and shit?
    Even that Milk-Dud-looking retard?

    What planet am I on?

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I’ve been watching this sham on and off. I feel that the demorats, going through this phucking sham while our President is in Vietnam trying to bring peace to the world, unite North and South Korea, make inroads with China, secure our borders, is a disgrace.
    These phucking caitiffs hate Donald Trump and America. They want to see him brought down, and America with him. To think that there are ten RINO’s on their side is repulsive to me.
    Send our President an attaboy! whitehouse.gov/contact

  5. So now they’re going after Trump’s tax returns to prove fraud… or something. From a guy going to prison for tax fraud. Mmmmkay.

    I want to see every damn tax return(s) from every person on that committee, including republicans. What a bunch of hypocritical lying frauds.


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