13 Republicans help Democrats vote against Trump’s National Emergency wall funding – IOTW Report

13 Republicans help Democrats vote against Trump’s National Emergency wall funding

WaEx: The House voted Tuesday to revoke the national emergency President Trump declared in order to spend federal money to build a physical barrier on the southern border without congressional approval.

The joint resolution passed 245-182 with the help of 13 Republican votes. It now heads to the Senate, where many lawmakers predict it will pass with the help of at least four Republicans who oppose Trump’s emergency declaration.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said the Senate would vote on the measure by mid-March.

Trump has vowed to issue the first veto of his presidency if the resolution reaches his desk, and the House vote indicates there are not enough votes to override his veto. Democrats would need to find 290 votes to override Trump, 45 short of the total seen Tuesday.

The 13 Republicans voting with Democrats were Reps. Justin Amash of Michigan, Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, Mike Gallager of Wisconsin, Jaime Hererra Beutler of Washington, Will Hurd of Texas, Dusty Johnson of South Dakota, Thomas Massie of Kentucky, Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington, Francis Rooney of Florida, Jim Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin, Elise Stefanik of New York, Fred Upton of Michigan and Greg Walden of Oregon.  more

26 Comments on 13 Republicans help Democrats vote against Trump’s National Emergency wall funding

  1. They’re voting for practice. Trump won’t need it til after he gets done with 75% of the border wall anyway. The state that has the hole in their wall will be begging for Trump to finish it once all the illegals and cartels are running through it.

  2. @ joe6pak FEBRUARY 28, 2019 AT 5:04 PM

    Jaime Hererra Beutler of course, Jaime Hererra Beutler. This is the quality of shitbag you get when you get someone appointed to fill the seat of someone who resigns or kicks the bucket. Once they are incumbents it is hard to remove them and the reason they got the appointment is because they are establishment Party before all else shitbags who dryshave their constituents every chance they get.

  3. Until we start dragging these treasonous leaches out of their abodes and hanging them from the nearest tree/lamp post, nothing will change.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  4. These are safebet votes for these tribbles. They know the Congress would have had no trouble with the majority so lost nothing and could claim their conscience voted against the big bad wall. Someone needs to nose around their districts to see what the actual vibe is about securing the southern border. Then start building the 2020 election ads now showing the congress critter voting against securing the border against child killers, murders, drug addicts, gang members, cartel drug smugglers, human sex traffikers etc etc etc. If done right they’ll be buried in any district that is borderline for law and order. The true hard left districts would vote for Hitler if he promised them the current Democrat Party plans on Green and super-duper universal health care and for putting conservatives into er, education camps.

  5. Yet the wildfires of California caused by California’s own policies was a “National” emergency? It was a state emergency caused by their own doing.

    Illegal immigration affects the entire nation with a greater death toll and adverse national impact.

  6. I can’t explain the no vote by my Congresswoman Kathy McMorris Rogers. Maybe it is time for her to retire to Kettle Falls in NE Wash. state along with her hubby and her kids. God forbid she pulls a Foley and stays in the House of representatives for 30 yr.’s. I still personally like her but this is a totally wasted vote on her part that can lead to no good in conservative Eastern Washington. Kathy, honey please consider retirement before you wear out your welcome and we end up with a shithead representative like Lisa Brown or worse Ben Stuckart.

  7. Two term, Brian Mast R-FL. Afghanistan vet, double amputee. Mast says Parkland changed everything.

    Thank you for your service Rep. Mast. Sure hope for the sake of your troops, you didn’t experience the same “change” when they were in the line of fire.

    Apparently 2018 was insufficient in draining the swamp. There’s still traces of grime left behind.

  8. Reps. Justin Amash of Michigan, Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, Mike Gallager of Wisconsin, Jaime Hererra Beutler of Washington, Will Hurd of Texas, Dusty Johnson of South Dakota, Thomas Massie of Kentucky, Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington, Francis Rooney of Florida, Jim Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin, Elise Stefanik of New York, Fred Upton of Michigan and Greg Walden of Oregon.
    I wonder if they are the friends of CAIR?

  9. @ joe6pak February 28, 2019 at 5:16 pm

    That, and the King9/Pierce/Snohomish Democrat machine works tirelessly to make it very easy to cast extralegal votes and then superstitiously encourages non citizens to take full advantage of what they have put in place.

  10. Ooops posted re Brian Mast in wrong thread.
    FYI, Mast voted w/the dems on a gun control bill (expanses background checks) yesterday, the first step of national registry.
    Same same.

  11. And then we have Susan Collins introducing legislation to try to stop Pres. Trump. She claims declaring a national emergency is unconstitutional. Frigging hypocrite. She never said word one about Obama’s 13 declarations that used taxpayer money for foreign countries. If she doesn’t think the law is constitutional, she should be introducing legislation to change the law, not stop one man.

    Then in the next breath she’s supporting Maine’s Planned Butcherhood in their effort to stop Pres. Trump from removing their funding. Although I don’t see any place in the Constitution that allows taxpayer money to be used for killing babies.
    Such a hypocrite. They all are.

  12. Have not donated to the RNC, NRCC, or NRSC (except once, by accident) for over 10 years. I donate to the individual, but I guess it’s “pay to play” (as in most things) so the Republi-Rats end up with some of the swag.

    They have sold out America too many times, for way too long, to seriously pretend that they have any fealty towards her. They, too, are Globaloney-ist in both attitude and effort, though they disguise it in a sort of Menshevik, milque-toast, here-let-me-rub-that-for-you kind of way.

    Sometimes they sicken me more than the Demonrats, America’s declared enemies – because with the Demonrats, regardless of their twaddle, you KNOW that they HATE America, are Godless, and are working towards totalitarianism – it is obvious in everything they do – every word they speak – and in every bill they write.

    izlamo delenda est …

  13. The GOP looking more like a subsidiary of the DNC every day.
    Truth is, the mf’er’s can’t think of anything but the power they’ll have under a global authoritarian government-that’s what it’s all about.


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