“Illusionist” To Disappear For 20 Years – IOTW Report

“Illusionist” To Disappear For 20 Years

Las Vegas Review-Journal

Las Vegas Strip illusionist Jan Rouven fainted Thursday after a federal judge sentenced him to 20 years in prison for possessing, receiving and distributing thousands of videos and images of illegal pornography.

“In this courtroom, at least, the show is over,” U.S. District Judge Gloria Navarro said. More

13 Comments on “Illusionist” To Disappear For 20 Years

  1. So, he and the other man (there is no such thing as a “husband” of a man.) are both immigrants from Germany.
    Europe isn’t sending us their best, either.

  2. “Illegal” = “child”.

    Stand him up against the wall, legs spread.
    I would GLADLY make “him” into a steer. And “his” “husband”, too. These things don’t happen in a vacuum.
    I have a hand made knife with a 3/8″ thick spine, sharp and strong enough for the job.
    Oh, and if you want to cauterize the bleeding after, you’d better have another person with medical training and equipment standing by, ’cause I another ain’t going to do it.

  3. Just throw him in a volcano and be done with it. I got more of these shitstains to track down and dispose of and i’m not getting any younger. lets get this shit done!

  4. How does his “husband” get to flee back to Germany, He must have been a participant?
    The world is crawling with creeps like this and many are in Europe with their lax sexual boundaries.

  5. Anonymous, why did I click on that link?! Good Lord Almighty!!
    Ignorance (of that) was a bliss!

    These people are sick and they want to overtake every aspect of our life.

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