The Green New Deal is not about climate – it’s about wealth redistribution – IOTW Report

The Green New Deal is not about climate – it’s about wealth redistribution

In the early 2000s, estimates were that a doubling of carbon dioxide would result in between a 3 and 6°C (5.4 and 10.8°F) warming. Since 2010, however, most estimates have placed the equilibrium climate sensitivity at less than 3°C (5.4°F), and over the last five years, several independent assessments have placed the sensitivity at about 1°C (1.8°F).
Both theory and models tell us that the biggest effect of carbon dioxide on air temperatures should lie in the upper tropical troposphere. The troposphere is the layer of the atmosphere where all weather resides. Over the last forty years, the warming of this layer has been small, whereas the models indicate the warming should have been much greater. This further underscores that climate models grossly overstate the climate warming.
Changing land use and increased demand for water are more significant than carbon dioxide in changing the impact of climate on our lives. Coverage of extreme weather gives the false impression that violent weather is becoming more frequent and intense when the data say otherwise.

The Green New Deal is not about stopping climate change. Climate always changes and always will. The United States has cut back on greenhouse gas emissions by about 13% since 2005 to virtually no effect on the Earth’s climate. The net effect of reducing the United States’ carbon dioxide emissions by 80% by 2050 would be negligible.

Even reduction by 100% would have little effect on the climate, but the policies proposed by the Green New Deal would make Karl Marx proud.


ht/ janitor

14 Comments on The Green New Deal is not about climate – it’s about wealth redistribution

  1. The left has been very successful at persuading the public that they alone care about the environment. The truth is far different but when the media is controlled by like minded fools the truth has to be teased out.
    I hate these motherfuckers and their deceit. They can’t be trusted for any reason because all they really want is a boot on the public’s neck and any means of getting there is fine with them.

  2. Wealth is constantly spoken of as if it were this monolithic thing. Like a mountain that can be divided up in to small hills for all the people or piled up for just a few. Always as a zero sum proposition like matter that cannot be created nor destroyed. But if the socialists start messing with the economy, the truth about wealth will become clear. Wealth can completely evaporate. It won’t be wealth redistribution, it will be wealth destruction. Marx and every leftist since has gotten that one major thing wrong. It’s why socialist countries crash and burn every time.

  3. If every Liberal, Progressive, Socialist, Communist would just stop exhaling & farting, that would do more to reduce CO2 & methane emissions, than any programs they could devise.

  4. Walpurgis,

    The old adage is true. If all of the money in this country was pooled and divided equally, within 5 years we’d be back to where it all started.

    To use an analogy the left might understand –
    Money is the weather.
    Wealth is the climate.

    You can hand a moron money, but you’re not handing them wealth.

    Leftists fail to grasp this.
    Lottery winners rarely parlay their money into generational wealth.
    There’s a reason for this.

  5. …we used to call environmentalists “Watermelons”, because they’re green on the outside, but red on the inside.

    …but saying ‘watermelon’ is probably racist now, according to the watermelons…interesting on how every term of opprobrium for the Left gets called racist one way or another, but I’m sure that’s just coincidence…

  6. Climate change advocates are smart and we’re not.

    Okay, smarties, you first. Give up your car, your oil/gas heat, your fossil fuel-fired electricity, your airplane travel, your synthetic fiber clothing, paper (especially toilet paper!), and most of of what you eat unless you grow it with zero tools in your backyard. And that’s just for starters, kids. Get hot.

  7. “Give up your car, your oil/gas heat, your fossil fuel-fired electricity, your airplane travel, your synthetic fiber clothing, paper (especially toilet paper!), and most of of what you eat unless you grow it with zero tools in your backyard. ”

    …they would tell you, Jimmy, that they, and they alone, NEED those things so they can keep their wisdom healthy, be able to spread that wisdom as far and wide as possible, and also keep their hairy eyeball on we stupid people because they’ll need to slap US down HARD when we cheat.

    …they’re just plain BETTER than us, you see. Only THEY know how to correctly use the tools of civilization. They will give to we serfs “according to our need”, with THEY deciding what that need IS.

    And of COURSE you need to preserve that wisdom! The first people who could ACTUALLY make Communi…I mean, Socialism, WORK?!? That’s EXTRAORDINARY, once-in-a-millennium smartness right THERE, and needs to be given the BEST of EVERYTHING so it will continue to shine down on us for as long as possible…


  8. If the democrats every take back the White House and both houses of Congress again, they’ll pass some steaming pile of shit they’ll call the “Green New Deal”, but all it will be will be a massive tax on food, fuel, and energy (with carve-outs for whatever food democrats like) and shitloads of boondoggle cash for shitty green projects like trains and solar/wind power conversion bullshit that won’t produce an iota of useful infrastructure but will buy lots of mansions, exotic cars, expensive vacations, and payoffs for the usual assortment of connected, sociopathic democrat motherfuckers.

  9. All these calls for socialism and socialist programs are about redistribution of wealth.
    The politicians see it as a way to enrich themselves with money and more importantly, power. The sheeple see it as a way to get some of what someone else has without working for it.
    None of this crap has a thing to do with the environment.


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