The Unstoppable Leftist Gladiators – IOTW Report

The Unstoppable Leftist Gladiators

The left thinks they have found unstoppable gladiators in the arena of politics. They believe they are cloaked in armor that is impervious to defeat.

What is this secret weapon? Dark skin.

How does this secret weapon work?

If you question any assertion by a “person of color”, no matter how outlandish, how asinine, how factually incorrect, you are a RACIST!

The potency of this weapon is proportional to how much one cares about being called a racist.

In 2019, that charge means nothing.

Who is the number one racist in America today, according to the left?

That’s a trick question. There is no number one. If you’re white you’re racist. So the word means nothing.

This cloak may have worked in 2008, but a decade later it will only work on lily-livered hand-wringing types. (see NEVER TRUMPERS.)

I can say, without an ounce of fear of being branded a racist, for I am automatically one anyway, that every leftist that is a “person of color” is a danger to America, just like every white leftist.

They also seem to be dumb.

The list is seemingly endless – Cortez, Tlaib, Omar, Sharpton, Waters, Harris, Booker, Johnson….

These are potent gladiators, if you buy into the power of their dark skin.



16 Comments on The Unstoppable Leftist Gladiators

  1. Laughter would work against these POC racists. But no one has publicly tried it yet against them. Too bad. I’d pay good money to watch that.

  2. Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren could not be reached for comment.

    There will never be another white democrat candidate for anything at a national level. (Hillary’s vagina couldn’t get it done.). So it’s down to race only.
    Smarmy white democrats have been scheming and angling and conspiring about how to snip the spinal cords of the brown skinned all the while romancing the survivors for their vote.
    It’s fookin ugly time in democrat land.
    Whiteys walk a narrowing tight wire while suffering from vertigo. Wobbly at best.

  3. They’re all house negros/people of color, white democrats are the descendants of the slave owners of the past and have chased the negro around well into the 20th century, they finally got on board with the era when it was inevitable and were able to claim credit for it. Why can’t blacks see this you say?
    House Negroes get some of the goodies, live in the big house, get to boss around the other Negroes as well as some pecker woods too.
    PHenry said it, democrats have been slaughtering blacks through planned parenthood forever.
    The younger generation is seeing this and are joining the Walk Away movement.
    Lets hope this movement gains even more momentum.

  4. @ Toxic DBW

    You are absolutely correct

    In the 1920’s and 30’s
    all that the German people had to do
    is laugh at corporal Hitler

    That’s all they had to do and
    he would have gone nowhere !

    they were too stupid to do that.


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