NoKo’s Suspicious “Weather Satellite” – IOTW Report

NoKo’s Suspicious “Weather Satellite”

Either the North Koreans don’t understand how weather satellites are suppose to orbit or they know exactly how to put a nuke powered electromagnetic pulse device (EMP) over The United States. More Here

The original twitter feed that cast suspicion. Here

15 Comments on NoKo’s Suspicious “Weather Satellite”

  1. A link to an accurate description of this satellite’s orbit would be helpful. Saying it goes “south to north” instead of “north to south” is nonsensical. In a polar orbit, a satellite spends half its orbit S-to-N and the other half N-to-S. If it were at geosynchronous or semi-geosynchronous altitude, that might make sense, but 280 miles is nowhere near that high.

    This is not to say I trust the Nork’s “weather satellite” claim: I most definitely DO NOT.

  2. Of course it’s an EMP device.
    The Space Force has been created to combat just such a threat.
    Hope they’re ready for it
    I’m trying to get ready down here.

  3. All sleep well, your submariner force keeps A LOT of shit at bay. Even if an EMP could disable our air force, not a nuke sub force.

    I do not believe an EMP could affect an underwater nuclear submarine armed with nukes that could destroy any city within shot.

    And yes, they patrol over there…like off a certain peninsula. ALL.THE.TIME.

    Unless they want some mutual destruction, because they would get it, they would think twice about sending an EMP.


  4. I think this is it here:
    if so, it will passing overhead, here, at about 2022 hours EST.
    If you reduce the map size, it will show the entire globe and its transit.
    It just passed over Australia and is now over Anartica. It takes about 94 minutes per orbit.
    I’m gonna shoot the bastich down. There’s just time enough for another beer or six…

  5. I do know we have he technology in place to make their shit null and void. I’m not worried about anything “little rocket man” could do to us. It can’t compare to the kind of shit the fukin’ commies at face book, google, and twitter think they are able to do!

  6. “They” know exactly how to put a nuke powered electromagnetic pulse device (EMP) over The United States?

    Nope. The Chi Comms do – the same chi comms that dianne feinstein’s secretary of almost 20 years spied for. (Feinstein was complicit.)

    North Korea does China’s bidding. Period.

  7. They could do an incredible amount of harm but they should understand that all those subs we have out there will end the existence of any attacker regardless of how crippled the continental US is.

    Happy trails!

  8. Did they drop the math requirement — for diversity! — in the navy? “Mutually assured destruction” is not about surviving. The point is having the internationally recognized emperor of the International States of America, know that if xhe murders Mr. Kim — the way xhe murdered Mr. Bin Laden — there will be no fawning infomercials for the next “election”.

  9. Really?
    The libtards already have fawning infomercials for the next election – try to keep up, anon. – I know it’s difficult for those who can’t remember their name.

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