The Left is so Fully Invested in Racism They Couldn’t Survive as a Party if it Disappeared – IOTW Report

The Left is so Fully Invested in Racism They Couldn’t Survive as a Party if it Disappeared

Dennis Prager offered an insightful premise. –

When American Jews, even most left-wing Jews, heard of the mass killing of Jews at a Pittsburgh synagogue, how many were hoping the shooter was truly an anti-Semite, and how many were hoping he was a mentally deranged individual who could have just as easily shot up a church? Or, if a well-known Jew had been beaten at 2 a.m. on a Chicago street, how many American Jews would have wanted the attackers to be Jew-haters, and how many would have wished they were just thugs who wanted money?

As a Jew who has been deeply involved in Jewish culture all my life, I am pretty certain the majority of Jews — certainly liberal and conservative Jews, and even most left-wing Jews — would have wished that neither the Pittsburgh synagogue nor the theoretical attack on a Chicago street I conjured up were perpetrated by anti-Semites.

Why is that? Why do almost all Jews wish attackers of Jews not be anti-Semites, but so many blacks and so many white leftists wish Smollett had been attacked by racists?

Because Jews want to believe there is little anti-Semitism in America while most black leftists and most white leftists want to believe there is a lot of racism in America.

Read the rest at The Daily Wire

11 Comments on The Left is so Fully Invested in Racism They Couldn’t Survive as a Party if it Disappeared

  1. Here is how leftists view things:

    Leftist: The rich would throw their own mothers out into the snow if it got them (the rich) more money. Nothing is more important to the rich than money.

    Conservative: Don’t you think the rich would make more money if poverty and racism were eliminated?

    Leftist: Oh, nothing is more important to the rich than money except for their racism. They would happily lose all of their money as long as it encouraged racism.

    Meanwhile, if racism were eliminated it would be, “Jesse who? Al who?”

  2. I’m going to make a generalization which may or may not be valid. Could it be that, given their three thousand year history, Jews are relatively happy with their new found status in the world, a homeland of their own and better recognition/treatment at least here in America so the moniker of “victim status” or intersectionality means little to them either as a classification or a goal?

    The whole impetus of BLM and racial politics in general requires a certain level of victim-hood and if society does not cooperate and provide the requisite number of hate crimes, then hate crimes must be manufactured, for the good of the cause.

  3. There are so many suicidal Jews so eager to vote themselves into death camps, most Jews spend most of their political energy fighting them instead of the forces that want to kill all of them. Just look at Israel, and this mew ‘indictment’ bullshit.

    Conservative Jews are on their own, re other.Jews protecting them. Liberal Jews are not Jews, as much as they are a social club – like most other liberal religious groups. Christians face the same danger, if not more.

    As for liberal muslims? They seem content to let the radical among them run thw roost.

    Sound familiar?

  4. Jews fear the evidence of Anti-Semitic violence because they understand that violence is a way for the majority in the host society to even the score against superior Jewish intelligence and achievement ethic. It’s happened over and over again in their history. So their fear is real and justified, cause even the Jews in our camp will panic

    Blacks need evidence that racism exists to soothe their egos which must take a beating from the fact that they cant seem to get to par with the host society in terms of intellectual achievement and just getting their shit together. And apparently, the need is so great they’ll seize on anything

    And it doesn’t help that their allies on the left are greatly compounding the problem by foisting their deranged and unworkable ideology on them

  5. @Callmelennie March 2, 2019 at 3:41 pm

    Just because you’re blind, doesn’t mean the guy next to you can see.

    And repeating what he tells you he sees, because you’re blind?…

    Aww… Comere, you little goober!

  6. That Pittsburgh Synagogue, is now pushing for more gun control! 🙄

    CLEARLY they NEVER saw “Schindler’s List” – where the gummint had all the guns – and the citizenry (and ESPECIALLY the Jews) were disarmed. 😳 They NEED to be contacting JPFO, for how to better guard themselves and their Synagogue; instead, the suck up to the dumbassed democrap lie about gun (people) “control,” that lead to mass DEATHS.


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