Erick Erickson Pens one of the Stupidest Statements of ALL TIME!!!!!! – IOTW Report

Erick Erickson Pens one of the Stupidest Statements of ALL TIME!!!!!!

It doesn’t get any facking dumber than this folks.

I always knew this dope was an imbecile, now he proves it.

In response to this announcement-

Trump announces at that he will be signing an executive order to require colleges and university “to support free speech on campus” (*or lose their federal funding- bfh)

Erick Erickson wrote-

Forced insistence on free speech makes it not free.

 It’s called the First Amendment of the US Constitution. Supporting free speech does not force anyone to do anything.
Lol… Jesus Christ dude, the Founding Fathers might disagree ever so slightly.
Don’t you think the First Amendment is “forced insistence on free speech?” Public universities, surely, can’t be allowed to curtail students’ speech, nor private universities that accept federal funds.
Not to point out obvious but I guess I need to with you, he is not forcing free speech. He is forcing equal protection on campus.
????? That doesn’t make any sense. What kind of “forcing” does your general rule apply to? Do you mean we are supposed to go soft on defending the 1st Amendment?
 Requiring state institutions to comply with the Constitution is bad….bruh
 Your statement is about as asinine as it gets. I grew up in the sixties. I guess when they stopped the police from hosing down African Americans we should have let them keep doing it instead of INSISTING that they have a right to march and the right to free speech.
 Forced insistence must be the reason keeps your show on. Good grief.
Funny you view it as enforcing instead of protecting

ht/ bad brad

37 Comments on Erick Erickson Pens one of the Stupidest Statements of ALL TIME!!!!!!

  1. “Forced insistence on free speech makes it not free.”
    Read it. Then read it again.
    Then laugh like you haven’t laughed in a long time.
    That is the singularly most imbecilic, humorous statement I’ve ever read.

    Are we doomed?

  2. Erick knew he wanted to interject himself into Trump’s speech and he knew he couldn’t do it by saying something smart so he decided to go with something stoopid.

  3. …it’s not the stupidest thing I’VE seen. Among the gems:

    -Barack Obama, Best President EVAH.

    -Hillary Clinton actually WON.

    -Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election.

    -Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

    -pretty much anything CNN says.

    -Mueller is honest.

    -Sessions is a silent assassin.

    -McCain was a Republican.

    …i could keep going, but you get the idea. Yes, very stupid indeed, but some preeety stiff competition for stupidEST…

  4. I follow this guy on Twitter and have for a while. He occasionally says some really stupid shit. But here lately he’s been making a habit out of it. He’s losing it. Trump wrecked him too.

  5. Nothing is new under the sun.

    Proverbs 12:23 A prudent man conceals knowledge, But the heart of fools proclaims foolishness.

    Proverbs 16:22 Understanding is a wellspring of life to him who has it. But the correction of fools is folly.

    Erick Erickson remains a fool beyond understanding.

  6. Erick Wood Erickson sends me emails, I remember responding to one or two and calling him an asshole. I felt sorry for saying that, for a while, but he keeps on sending me stuff that’s half assed conservative and now I am convinced that he is ,indeed, an asshole.
    I put him in the Glenn Beck, Ben Shapiro category and sort of skip it.

  7. Right up there with Cortez, huh. Does he even know how idiotic he sounds?

    I was wondering why POTUS Trump was so wound up today. I know he doesn’t drink coffee, but I looked up how much caffeine is in a diet Coke. 46mg and considered “moderate” by a website that measures such things. And diet Coke has “32% more caffeine than Coke Classic.” Now, I suppose if you’re used to caffeine, it’s no big deal to drink a bunch of it in a day. But I gave up caffeine 40-plus years ago and if the barista gets my order wrong I start talking like Thurston Howell III (everything said through a clenched jaw) and I have the mother of all anxiety attacks all day long. If Trump is drinking 5-6 diet Cokes a day, he’s getting pretty jazzed up on all that caffeine. No wonder he doesn’t need sleep! Basically he’s on speed.

  8. I think Trump was wound up because he was amongst his people. Home field. Most of the time he isn’t.
    He’s a warrior returning home after a couple of years in enemy territory.

    A returning hero amongst a warm reception.

    How would he not be spun up?

  9. PHenry — of course. Not intending to take anything away from POTUS on that score. But he’s getting a LOT of caffeine too! I would be having an out-of-body experience on his daily ration.

  10. I remember before the 2016 election, when every dickbrain on TV was predicting a Hillary landslide, one guy, millionaire Mark Cuban told some asswipe on TV that Trump will never be President, “he’s lazy,”
    Trump? Lazy? Gettofuckouttahereyoufuckinmoran!

  11. For the first time in my life I have no quarrel with my president. I had a few with Reagan. Not many.
    Border security mostly.

    But I have no quarrel today.

    Rally up folks. It’s time. 2020 is approaching. President Trump needs an Army.

    Take that hill.

  12. Erickson, you couldn’t even last two weeks in your new self-proclaimed mission to support and campaign for Trump. Your problem is you’re a knee-jerk, contrarian know-it-all who cannot admit when he is wrong. Just go. Go back to CNN. Apologize to your bosses at WSB for saying you’d support Trump in 2020. Tell them it was nothing but a big trolling of the WH. I don’t care.

    But I am going to let the WH know that they should keep you at a distance, not hire you for anything, and to fire your friends who may still be lurking, leeching and leaking in the WH. For somebody studying for his doctorate in Divinity, you are one oily, deceitful mofo.

  13. @thirdtwin

    You probably don’t need to alert the White House. Theyre well aware of Erickson, just like the rest of us.
    Poor Eric is standing where we want to piss.

    Works for me. Bladder needs emptying.


  14. Few people seem to know this, if you followed this ass hat for sport you would. He held an Anti Cpac event last week and has been doing nothing but bad mouthing CPAC since. I’m thinking because he didn’t get invited.
    About 9 months ago he was posting about his desire to learn about guns and teach his children how to hunt. Except he’s never hunted. I’ll walk lightly around this, because if you don’t think you should own a gun, I get that. But in Ericksons case, don’t come across like freaken Daniel Boone and then post that shit.
    PS, John Wicks two is bad ass

  15. This jerkoff Erikson is the same kind of pathetic narcissist as the useful idiots of hollywood: he’d rather bring the nation down than admit he was an incredible fool.

  16. “It’s in the Constitution! Tha GUB’MINT gotta pay for my AMMO!!!”
    said no one who understands the Constitution…2nd OR 1st Amendment.

    p.s. If *this* is how he intends to show his new-found “support” of Trump, he should learn to just STFU.

  17. “War is Peace;
    Freedom is Slavery;
    Ignorance is Strength”

    Free Speech isn’t Free if the Freedom of Speech is Protected (Demanded; Insisted Upon)?


    Not sure I follow the “logic” – but, then, that’s what separates the humans from the imbeciles.

    izlamo delenda est …

  18. Eric Erickson infects my radio occasionally on my drive in the ATL….

    I don’t know or care about his schedule on WSB 95.5…..

    I just turn him off…..he’s annoying as shit.


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