School officials ban kids from riding in limos because everyone can’t afford it – IOTW Report

School officials ban kids from riding in limos because everyone can’t afford it


Socialism invariably destroys everything it touches, including even proms.

Back in the day, some kids used to enjoy saving up enough money through the semester so they could rent a lavish limo for their year-end senior prom. But thanks to the socialist mindset of one New Jersey school’s officials, this tradition is no more.

According to Trenton radio station WKXW, officials at Lakeland Regional High School made a decision this year to ban students from driving to their prom or renting a limo. Instead, every student must pay $15 to be driven to the prom at Rockleigh Country Club on a chaperoned bus.

The decision was made “based on the concern over the safety of all our students and in providing equity for all students so that they all could enjoy a shared ‘prom experience’ despite socioeconomic status, and based on the success that other districts have demonstrated utilizing this practice,” the school’s superintendent, Hugh E. Beattie, said.


31 Comments on School officials ban kids from riding in limos because everyone can’t afford it

  1. Not to tough to predict the out come. Because it’s been happening for about 15 years. The well to do parents rent suites at hotels for all the connected kids. They ride in a Limo there, and never show up at school. I made sure my three kids didn’t attend. Lot’s of premature ejaculations.

  2. Well shit. I’m pretty sure I’m getting band permanently, once again, from Twatter tonight. And I’m dead out of cell phone numbers. Fuck Eric Swallowell. He did me dirty. Or, I told him we had ropes. Really, is that threatening? I think not.

  3. Let me expand on that: if you have the discretionary income, you are too valuable to society to worry about getting your kids to school safely to drive them yourself just so some fat disgusting meat bag doesn’t feel like her time is less valuable than yours. Fuckkem’. If that means if you already have a chauffeur paid for, that goes double bitches. A big fat fuck you and the shithole you call a home for your kids you pathetic miserable failure. Is the correct response, the only correct response. And you know I am right.

  4. Joe6
    There’s no question mrs6pak’s is smarter than I. Actually, Mrs. Bad Brad declared I was an idiot. Well, WTF? Maybe a killer collaborative effort in kicking libtard ass. I was born with this go for the throat thing. Drove my parents nuts. I have no patience for weak shit.

  5. Sounds like it’s possible Mrs. Bad Brad and mrs6pak have something in common. Not that mrs6pak thinks you are an idiot, LOL, sometimes she thinks I am. Oh well, must have done something right, we just got back from dinner and wine, celebrating 35 years. Life is good, even for a part time idiot.

  6. I don’t have a problem with this. The “prom event” has become seriously overblown in recent years. And it’s mostly parents paying, one way or the other. It’s a friggin’ school dance and should be done that way. Ditto things like school sponsored multi-day trips that some kids can’t afford. Maybe I’ll re-think when schools focus on what is important. (My kids were homeschooled, and I’m happy to have avoided having to deal with this kind of crap.)

  7. Students don’t seem to have a problem giving a big FU to about everything else. I imagine they will have a way to tell the school to go Phuck themseves.

  8. Tragically, so few of those privileged kids will amount to anything. IF THEY DO?, pat them on the back. So few kids take advantage of the blessings associated with being born with a golden spoon. I hated kids who were born with golden spoons and blew it, getting into drugs, alcohol, sex, or crime. Life is not fair. Get used to it. Capitalize on your blessings.

  9. Remember when boys actually had to ask a girl to prom and they had to show up with a corsage and a car to take them to the dance? Nowadays, prom is a group drinking orgy, everyone lies to their parents about “spending the night” with so-and-so, cell phones mean that no one has to be where they said they’d be, the girls (and those who identify as girls) spend more on a one-time dress as we used to spend on our wedding dresses (and they have to be from the most recent season’s red carpet). Yeah, prom is blown out of all proportion.

  10. Schools like to say they are preparing the children for real life.

    How does this prepare the children for real life?

    What is the lesson being taught here?

  11. I just read this to my girls. One asked “what if you can’t find a date?” My husband replied “One will be provided for you. Forced pairing.” She said “well he better be good looking”. He replied “No, you’re the one who is going to be provided to the less attractive guy who can’t score a date.” She said “well thats just gross and stupid.”

    Our work here is done.

  12. The Senior Prom is the Last Harrah before HS graduation. Classes are finished, grades are in. So what will TPTB do if you DO show up with your date, and a gaggle of friends, in a limo? Withhold your graduation diploma? Ohhhhh, scary. (/sarc).

    BTW, just how much does Mr Egalitarian Marxist Principal receive in income? And why isn’t he sharing his unequal wealth with those less fortunate who aren’t able to afford a limo to the prom?

  13. Remember, it’s easier to ban something than to instill a “try harder for success” attitude.

    Especially if you’re a Stalinist / Marxist teacher.

    If I were the students I’d still show up in a limo with a ‘go fuck yourself’ written somewhere on the tux.

  14. So the kids that may have worked hard for the “Limo Experience” cannot enjoy the a fruit of their labors… BUT even the kids that may not have been able to afford the extra cost of a ride to prom MUST PAY $15.00 to get there….all are penalized equally (in the socialist mind)

  15. Everybody has to ride the school bus to the prom.
    Grey Unisex Jumpsuits, it’s the only fair thing to do.
    No corsages because some can’t afford them. ‘Hello my name is:’ nametags only
    No grades either, just a receipt that says: I attended an acceptable number of days

  16. AA, you should see how much money some people spend on flowers and tuxes, prom dresses etc. during the prom season, it’s unbelievable. And yes proms are over rated, always have been and always will be. It’s a so called rite of passage that I can do without, of course I didn’t go to mine way back in the early 70’s since I was too much of a nerd and a geek.


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