Omar the Discontent Maker – IOTW Report

Omar the Discontent Maker

20 Comments on Omar the Discontent Maker

  1. Kill ’em all, because that’s what they want to do to you.

    We are not compatible…never have been, not now, nor will ever be.

    They use our courts, traits, live and let live philosophy against us relentlessly.

  2. “Here’s the way political correctness works for a guy like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. It allows them to operate in our midst without being challenged. It allows them to ratchet up the focus on sharia law without us pushing back on it. And we end up inadvertently imposing on ourselves the blasphemy laws of sharia, because we cut back on the things that they find offensive.” – James Mitchell, KSM’s interrogator at Gitmo

  3. Every one of these damn Moslems in US Government is a Trojan Horse. Wake the hell up, America! There are enemies within. You will live to regret letting Islam gain a foothold against US Freedoms.

  4. We can also thank Catholic Charities for bringing these people to this country. They’ve made millions doing it. Putting the love of money over the country.

  5. “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell
    Not so much anymore repeating the same comment 999 times, you Hockey Puck!
    Don Rickles

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