Abigail Adams Documentary Pick – A wolf in sheep’s clothing – IOTW Report

Abigail Adams Documentary Pick – A wolf in sheep’s clothing

The playbook of Obama and Hillary and AOC and Chuckie Schumer and Elizabeth Warren and…. “Rules for Radicals”

23 Comments on Abigail Adams Documentary Pick – A wolf in sheep’s clothing


    Geoff C. and I were just sitting at the kitchen island this morning, blog surfing and enjoying a cup of coffee when I came upon this documentary playing on the tee vee. I immediately had to look into it online and find out more about its makers. It’s a little slow, a little plodding, there’s a lot here that you guys already know, certainly.

    But here’s my challenge to everyone: If you’ve got friends or family members (or even conservatives in your circle who don’t know the whole history of cultural Marxism in our country), put together a movie night and invite them over for a viewing and discussion. If people really knew the roots of today’s Democrat party, progressives, the Left (whatever you want to call them), they would understand how we got to this point with people like Cortez and company pushing post-birth abortion, Green New Deals, climate fear-mongering, post-modern relativism, what is going on on our college campuses and where Western civilization is heading.

    Please make this a priority this year to reach out to people who really need to see this and understand what the hell is going on.

  2. I will watch the video, however I can’t right now. AA always digs up great stuff. But I wanted to add there are several credible peeps out there reporting that AOC interviewed for the job she was elected to In front of Soros and Obama.

  3. Moe, Brad beat me to it.
    This needs to be played on every blog for the next 2 years.
    This is the left in a nut shell,they have not changed there game plan ever.
    They want to kill us and put in there own people to do it.
    They have started in your own state. OCA is one of them.

  4. I am going to start early this time. Every Vote counts.
    If you do not take this election as the last one ever you are sadly mistaken,this is for all the marbles,the left is playing for keeps: it is there last chance to transform us into a commie country,until the next time,they will never let up.
    Get involved and VOTE.

  5. Pay attention to the part where they talk about Alinsky and his accomplices putting 1,100 “fellow travelers” into the Catholic church back in the 1950’s!

    Now fast forward and all the trouble that church has is completely understandable, and predictable.

    This evil is exactly like cancer, just one cell is enough to eventually destroy the whole body!

    Beware the Trojan Watermelon!!!

  6. Great find AA and Geoff. Thanks.

    Ah, Mother Angelica’s EWTN. Quite a woman. She fought with bishops and outsmarted them when they tried to take away what God and she built for His honor and glory.

    She gave her programing away for free, but cable companies charged customers for it. A cable company put her program on right after some porn. God outsmarted them. Guys who had watched the porn, kept the station on and let M Angela that her programing helped them stop their porn addiction….so much more. She’s a heroine of mine.

  7. @ Abby Adams and BFH – thank you. I watched the mid third.

    Makes me want to VOMIT, especially the Cat-lick church invilement said as a Catlick. ‘Call to Action’ I WILL be looking that up!

  8. AA – Thanks for the challenge! Instead going to go about it in a different way.
    For the family Easter Dinner (April 21, 2019) as diehard as they are, I’m going to make a turkey, stuffed with 4 mini-Klaymore’s, making sure this video is playing on the kitchen flat screen, and then excuse myself and step outside for a smoke,,,


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