Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper Gets Into The Dem 2020 Clown Car – IOTW Report

Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper Gets Into The Dem 2020 Clown Car

He’s the guy Michelle Malkin calls John “Chickenlooper”.


DC: Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper announced Monday that he is running for the presidency. He joins a growing list of Democrats vying for the opportunity to spoil President Donald Trump’s re-election bid.

“I’m running for president because we need dreamers in Washington, but we also need to get things done,” Hickenlooper said in a video announcing his decision. “I’ve proven again and again I can bring people together to produce the progressive change Washington has failed to deliver.”

He is considered a moderate Democrat, and supports Colorado’s fossil fuel industry, a position that could put him at odds with many of his fellow Democrats. Hickenlooper, a former geologist and businessman, joins a field of 13 other Democrats who have announced either White House bids or exploratory committees.  read more

24 Comments on Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper Gets Into The Dem 2020 Clown Car

  1. At the rate everybody and their brother, sister, non-binary on the left is throwing their hat, hijab, smart glasses in the ring, the debate winners will have to be broken down to to resemble March Madness brackets.

  2. Without Hillary to lead the way, the Democrats are helpless.

    They banked everything on her being in the Presidency at this point and had no thoughts or planning for anything else, so they just don’t know what to do now.


    …Get ALLLLL the Democrats to run for President!

    …Get them all ginned up about their preferred President, then watch the fun when the DNC picks someone else, hopefully Hillary again…split them into 100,000 different factions, watch for a front runner, then tell them Trump supports the front runner, whoever that may be at the time…

    …they will STILL steal the election, but it will make the fraud a no-doubter…if we don’t have the Civil War THEN, we are not worthy of freedom…

  4. Eric Holder has announced he is not running for President. This has nothing to do with this story; I just figured it’s easier to keep track of Democrats not running for President.

  5. Hickenlooper is the moderate that the political party of Lee Harvey Oswald will not accept as long as there is anyone else standing. He’s going to try to come across as a reasonable problem solver who can work with both parties and restore civility to a country that wants to return to the good old days of Bill Clinton. The firebrands of the lunatic Socialist-Demographic Party will devour Hickenlooper. Moderation and common sense in the defense of anything is unacceptable!

  6. It’s Dickenpooper. And by now, it’s not a clown car. It’s a clown limousine.

    Their carbon clown shoe footprints are going to register on the Richter Scale when their primary circus begins. What are we up to? 20+ wholly unqualified candidates so far?

  7. Well Hick doesn’t fit anything the dem base is looking for. And he wasn’t beloved as gov either, he barely won re-election over a RINO that just didn’t want to pay personally to challenge the 20,000 votes. And he has some great scandals to come out including an illegal that worked at his brewery and killed someone. He was counting on being in Hillary’s administration. If he was smart he’d run for Cory Gardner’s seat which he’d surely win since no one likes RINO Gardner.

  8. “Without Hillary to lead the way, the Democrats are helpless.” Funny that nobody wants her advice though. The Clinton’s are through, their collective candle is slowly burning itself out in the dish of obscurity.
    Good riddance.

  9. …”President Hickenlooper” would look just as goofy on a desk sign as “President Gingrich” would have.

    …if there isn’t a silly name exclusion in the Constitution, there SHOULD be…

  10. My BiL and wife are native Coloradans and both loved that one.

    Not one to rest on my laurels, I’ll come up with something else for this one if he somehow manages to register at all in this cavalcade of fruits and nuts.

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