Black Activist/Muckraker Says Trump is a Racist and Anyone That Doesn’t Agree is Afraid of Him – IOTW Report

Black Activist/Muckraker Says Trump is a Racist and Anyone That Doesn’t Agree is Afraid of Him

18 Comments on Black Activist/Muckraker Says Trump is a Racist and Anyone That Doesn’t Agree is Afraid of Him

  1. I am a big time fan of Trump, like a lot of us. But this pisses me off. Once again he is threatening to disclose information of wrongdoing by the democrats in response to the harassment by the dems of his administration. If he has evidence of lawbreaking he has an obligation and the responsibility to act on it. Holding on to it and threatening to release it if the bad guys don’t play nice is bullshit! RELEASE IT NOW!!! It’s past time!

  2. I do believe someone planted little tiny chips in the little tiny brains of leftist politicians repeating the word Racists endlessly.
    Eventually their brains will just fizzle out in a puff of smoke.

  3. Charlottesville: from what I understood President Trump was saying that everyone has a right to assemble, even if we don’t agree with them. And that there are good people in both sides, even we don’t agree with them.

    “Ban on Muslims”: first of all, Muslim is not a race. The ban is on the terrorists, and it has been successful, as far as I can see.


  4. From a blackmailing lawsuits he isn’t worried, he’ll still be able to afford the Bentley (which he won’t drive in ahem, certain urban areas), the $5000 suits and the walled mansion or 24 hour armed guard protected condo but from a lockstep black support for Democrats he’s scared white. Trump is starting to move support in the black bloc over to him. Last count it was something like 27% approve of the job he’s doing and that should and does scare the bejabbers of BLM, Democrats, race hustlers like this guy and Al Sharpton, and all the runners in the 2020 Democrat primary. If he can keep this up and the moderate black clergy get behind him he can split the black vote (likely getting more black women then men) and destroy the Democrats.

  5. Why is it that all these people wanting to proclaim Trump a racist never seem to show any actual examples of acts of racism he has committed.

    In reality, all they are doing is trying to regain and protect their stranglehold on minorities and their thinking that is starting to erode under Trump and his policies.

  6. Leo Terrell [not sure if I spelled his name correctly] is the most annoying loud mouth I’ve ever seen. I couldn’t stand him when he was shooting his mouth off during the OJ days and I can’t stand him now.

    A truly repulsive human being. It would have been interesting if he and Bongino were actually in the same studio. I would have paid money to see Bongino bonk that yapper.


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