Despite California’s long drought, trillions of gallons of rainwater wastefully flowing into sea – IOTW Report

Despite California’s long drought, trillions of gallons of rainwater wastefully flowing into sea

FOX: LOS ANGELES — California’s rainy season could be the wettest in 40 years, but experts say the state is missing a major opportunity by failing to collect the trillions of gallons of storm runoff that currently flows wastefully into the ocean.

“We will never capture it all, but we need to do a better job of capturing what we can,” said Peter Gleick of the Pacific Institute.

In February alone, an estimated 18 trillion gallons of water fell on the state. In urban areas and coastal cities, 80 percent ends up diverted into the ocean, as Los Angeles and other cities built long concrete channels for flood control. The Los Angeles River, for example, is a 51-mile-long canal as wide as a football field. Almost none of the water seeps into the underground aquifer.

“The challenge is: How do we capture more of that water to use it so we can use it during dry parts of the year? And cities in California have not historically done a good job of capturing what we call stormwater,” said Gleick, who helped author a study showing how San Francisco and Los Angeles could harness nearly as much water as they consume.  read more

24 Comments on Despite California’s long drought, trillions of gallons of rainwater wastefully flowing into sea

  1. Aren’t residents of CA banned from collecting rain water from their roofs? Maybe it was another lefty state, but I’m sure I read something about that in the last few years.

    Not that it would help the whole state, but it’s something for the individual to do for their own property.

  2. How are cities suppose to store water? Especially that much water. That’s a shit load of Dixie Cups. Northern California Reservoirs are near capacity and they are dumping water. In flow and out flow are about even. It’s still raining and we have a record snow pack.
    We need more Reservoirs, period end of story.

    ps, Shasta is 19 feet from the top of the damn, the spill ways are 75% open and the lakes going up a foot a day.

  3. …and Mexico’s Shit Rivers are alive and well, dumping untreated raw sewage, trash, and general filth right into the Pacific (and other oceans and waterways).

    Viva Mexico, literal corrupt shithole extraordinaire.

  4. BB, but if more reservoirs are built that would mean more land being raped by the man. Can’t have that. Besides, why rape the earth for water when all you have to do is turn on the faucet when you’re thirsty.

  5. The good news is that the aquifers and groundwater levels are being replenished in spite of Sacramento’s obeyance to Gaia worshipers.

    The eco-nazi’s have had carte blanche authority of the legislature for decades. Reservoirs, canals, dams, anything that can capture valuable run off for another day has been purposely shunned in favor of mother nature. This and the utter lack of forward thinking ,”Isn’t all this rain great? I guess our state will never ever suffer through anymore droughts, wahoo!”. It is the same backassward thinking about rainy day funds, we got our money now, screw the future. Idiots, the whole lot of them.

  6. Speaking of bad thinking when it comes to water resources, The is a growing move (still a minority, but that doesn’t matter) to breach several dams on the Snake River and the Columbia River. We need to eradicate the left before the left eradicates us.

  7. Rich Taylor

    Didn’t you read the article? “Almost none of the water seeps into the underground aquifer.”
    How do these clowns the the under ground water table is replenished? Our ground is so saturated right now if you dumped a cup of water on the ground I’m pretty sure it would all end up in our local lake. The Pineapple Express is here. If we get a string of wet storms stacked up we will have some major flooding.

  8. I grew up 1/2 mile from the Sepulveda dam, where the 405 and the 101 cross. The dam was built for flood control in the 1930’s. Up until the late 70’s, the impound area behind the dam was used for agriculture (alfalfa and corn). It would have been an ideal place for a lake, but no, it is now a park and a golf course, plus a lot of other stuff built up in there.

  9. Went out there August 1978 to start my new life. Returned to Michigan September 1978 to resume a normal life. Most intelligent thing I’ve ever done. Bunch of self centered aholes for the most part. Bay area.

  10. Most environmentalists are useful idiots. They could care less about clean air, clean and abundant water. Hidden agenda is to cause as much damage to the economy as possible.

  11. Peter Gleick? Where have I heard that name before?

    Oh, yes. He’s the guy who committed wire fraud and aggravated identity theft in order to fraudulently obtain documents from the Heartland Institute to smear and discredit them because…CLIMATE DENIERS!!11!

    Despite crystal clear documentary evidence AND A CONFESSION, Gleik was cleared by Barky’s DOJ.

    Peter Gleick’s brother James wrote Genius: The Life and Science of Richard Feynman. It is interesting to note that James didn’t write a book called Genius: The Life and Science of my Brother Peter.

    BTW, I highly recommend Jame’s book on Feynman.

  12. California government policy was to drain reservoir water out to sea during the alleged drought that deprived agriculture of the very needed water to keep their produce alive. This was intentional to reap continued destruction on California–very successful, too. But why? Pure evil hatred for America.

    “PHOTOS OF DAM DRAINAGE AS IT HAPPENED – THE END of the California orange
    The following photos are absolute proof they drained the dams on purpose, causing severe flooding and NEVER gave california growers a SINGLE DROP for the sole purpose of killing all the orange orchards, grape vineyards and almond groves.”

  13. tRuth

    Interestingly enough, while all this was going on, the rice growers in the North Valley had more water than they needed. My theory is it’s pretty easy to see verify Oroville and Shasta water levels.

  14. Bad_Brad, Whoever controls California politics, can control all of California’s resources as well. Favors are always provided to those in power, so needed water would be flowing to fellow political players, presumably. I have also wondered just which lucky, rich people have been keeping their swimming pools full during this California water shortage? I just saw this posted at Interesting information.

    RENEGADE STATE: The Four Families Of California And The Private Company That Controls The Internet

  15. It’s no accident California leftists saw to it there were no water resource projects in the works to save water. They need the crisis – and they need to break the conservative farmers in the middle of the state.

  16. How do you capture and hold water for year round use. IT IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE BUILD MORE DAMS AND RESERVOIRS YOU DUMB-ASSES. With the snow pack being so heavy there should be NO reason to have drought restrictions. Build reservoirs not high speed trains. There now have been at least two years of record to near record snowfalls. Why is all this water going to waste. Because of environmental concerns and not looking at the problem realistically. They have built NO NEW DAMS FOR DECADES. because the environmental terrorists have got them buffaloed.

  17. The fukkin Tolteca, Azteca, Olmeca, Mayans, and the denizens of Angkor Wat, a thousand years ago, knew how to store water but modern California can’t figure it out?

    Enviro-Nazism is killing us.

    izlamo delenda est …

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