McSally: #MeToo – IOTW Report

McSally: #MeToo


Sen. Martha McSally, the first female fighter pilot to fly in combat, said Wednesday that she was raped in the Air Force by a superior officer, the AP reports. The Arizona Republican, a 26-year military veteran, made the disclosure at a Senate hearing on the armed services’ efforts to prevent sexual assaults and improve the response when they occur. McSally said she did not report being sexually assaulted because she did not trust the system, and she said she was ashamed and confused. McSally did not name the officer who she says raped her. “I stayed silent for many years, but later in my career, as the military grappled with the scandals, and their wholly inadequate responses, I felt the need to let some people know I too was a survivor,” she said, choking up as she detailed what had happened to her.

“I was horrified at how my attempt to share generally my experiences was handled,” she continued. “I almost separated from the Air Force at 18 years of service over my despair. Like many victims, I felt like the system was raping me all over again.” McSally’s revelation comes not long after Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, detailed her own abuse and assault, and at a time of increased awareness over the problem of harassment and assault in the armed forces. Reports of sexual assaults across the military jumped nearly 10% in 2017—a year that also saw an online nude-photo sharing scandal rock the Defense Department.

ht/ forcibly deranged

27 Comments on McSally: #MeToo

  1. Sigh*

    How many front doors does SHE have?

    Perhaps we just let men blow shit up and kill the bad guys?

    Not blaming the victim here but something doesn’t pass the “smell” test.
    If you can’t report a rape? WTF?
    My guess is it became a “rape” after the fact.
    Booze addled sex is still consensual.

  2. So after 18 years in the service she gets raped, retires 4 yeas later as a colonel, gets elected as a US Senator, and yet she wont name her rapist? What could you possibly be afraid of then or now?

  3. She handled it like most women of her day did – knowing they were screwed if they told and screwed if they didn’t.

    Most men in the military thought they deserved it and were asking for it. It was an elephant in the room all the time – this based on my experience as a lay chaplain/religious volunteer/divisional leading Petty officer for some “integrated crews.”

    I didn’t think the women (still don’t) belong there – but they deserve to be treated with respect and personal dignity.

    They served anyway. Please don’t trample these veterans who chose to serve despite being given a shady deal.

  4. Okay. While I truly detest these impossible-to-verify decades-later account (especially in the age of victim exaltation), I’m sure that perhaps most women have had all kinds of sexual assault experiences, from the mildest of unwanted kisses to groping to date-went-too-fars to work enviroment harassment to outright rape. Certainly enough experiences to misremember or exaggerate or distort or concoct a scenario.

    The military actually has fewer issues than the general population, and this is even though physical young men and women at the height of their hormone production, enhanced by danger or boredom, and often with limited access to social outlets are being idiotically thrown together and ordered to behave like neuters. The consensual fooling around with drinking is still rampant even though that is prohibited too. The nonconsensual kind is going to happen.

    I’m tired of the special singling out of the military for this. Way more of this crap happens in college and business environments.

    And I’m tired of the overblown post-realized “trauma”. I strongly suspect that many of these incidents were less traumatic than they were disappointing, insulting, or just angering because the women wanted something else, or more, and didn’t get it.

    I’m sick of hearing about all of these long-ago events. If they weren’t timely reported then there were no physical injuries and there is no way fairly to assess what actually happened. How convenient that the reporting is not done when there is something to gain by not reporting, and then is done when there is something to gain by doing so…

    Women want to be in combat. Women want to wrestle men. Fifteen-year-olds want to think they’re invited to parties by older boys because… they’re buddies? Women without talent ply the makeup and wiggle their asses and think that the Harvey Weinsteins invite them to dinner because… they’re friend material?

  5. Get ready, there will be more and more of these cases of Jussie Smollett Syndrome.

    It’s so much easier today to rise to the top with a simple accusation, than to do something actually substantial.

  6. “McSally did not name the officer who she says raped her.”

    If you’re not going to give a name, then keep your mouth shut instead of making an accusation that could reflect negatively on those innocent in a rather narrow group you have identified (her senior officers during her time of service where it took place).

    Unless there is something you want to keep secret because it would shine a light on something about yourself you don’t want known,

  7. “… my attempt to share generally my experiences …”

    “share … my experiences …?”

    I’m sorry.
    But wouldn’t you rather have cut his balls off and made him eat them?
    Not being a woman, I don’t understand the need to “share” rather than revenge an abuse. IF this is true, this guy should never have a decent night’s sleep, or be able to walk down any street without looking over his shoulder for the bag to be slipped over his head that WOULD MOST DEFINITELY come – followed by beating, mutilation, and death.

    But, then, we’re a kinder, gentler nation, now, aren’t we?

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Quit using the term “survivor.” If you flew in combat, you’re a combat survivor, because there was an actual chance of death, and you probably new people who died.

    You are not a rape “survivor.” You are a rape victim.

    Racer X – a paper cut survivor.

  9. Great comments – most exactly what I’ve been thinking.

    Just get on with your reelection campaign, Martha, and take the advice I gave you when I declined to send you money: clearly support President Trump (for a change); work for the border wall; and, remove all remaining doubt that you may be John McCain 2.0!

  10. Something smells bad here, for all the reasons above.

    This woman is weak – she’ll continue the easy road to rinosim, and will become a democrat so she can get her fake press. Arizona, how did you fail us again?

  11. How many times was she PASSED OVER?

    think Mike Cohen!

    Hard to imagine; but sometimes folk lie out of spite! Should I say prevaricate?

    Sounds bitter for no flag! See Mike Cohen

  12. So she got laid after a few drinks at the Officer’s Club? Now it’s rape. Martha GFY!
    Remember the Tail Hook bullshit when young men’s careers were ruined?
    Phuck you Martha, I’m sorry I supported you.

  13. This sort of behavior from a fighter pilot? She can’t even protect herself from her own men, how is she going to protect her country? Did she expect that if shot down and captured, the enemy would treat her like a lady?

  14. As a young airman in the Air Force, I was propositioned by two young and very beautiful female officers. I was flattered and very, very tempted but I was married and had a two year old child. I wasn’t going to risk losing my marriage and having my son know I had cheated on his mother. Had I known what my wife had in store for me years later, I would have screwed their brains out.

  15. Name names and provide proof. Witnesses, dates, a blue dress with a big splotch. Without any of those, shut up and move on. You’ve gotten by pretty well so far.


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