KamalaCare – IOTW Report


Earlier this week, David Brooks of the NYT took a swing at describing the funding problems inherit in a government takeover of health insurance (and by extension most of health care). His piece explains why any program modeled after Medicare would chronically underpay providers. Here

A piece appearing in “American Thinker” today picks up where Brooks left off and describes what government rationing of health care (caused by shortages driven by underpayments to providers) would be like for us all. Here

9 Comments on KamalaCare

  1. Who says they’ll use doctors who received their M.D.s from accredited schools? For that matter, what are the chances anyone lacking the right connections will ever see a doctor?

    So long as everyone is subjected equally to the same lousy healthcare (except the elites, of course) democrats will proclaim their creation a success and dare the world to go back to what we had before. There will be nothing left of the world class health care system that was once the envy of nations.


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