Cattle Gun or Golf Club? – IOTW Report

Cattle Gun or Golf Club?

NM sends me this hilarious new product-


EZeeGolf Review-

More Hilarious Golf “Technology” –

16 Comments on Cattle Gun or Golf Club?

  1. The club as been around since the mid 90’s. I think my former boss may still have one of the early prototypes. The strips are cut in half so that they fit better into the head. They are using a medium power yellow load which tells me the may have given up one using the more powerful red loads because it kept damaging the club. Another fun project was the “POWR ENTRY” breeching tool designed to take out locks, hinges, bolts and anything else that stood between you and the other side of the door. Videos can be found online if you look hard enough.

  2. If professional recording “artists” who can’t carry a tune in a bucket can use auto tune, why can’t a beginning golfer use this thing? But let’s make it even better and install tubes that take the ball after it is fired off and funnel it for a hole in one?


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