National Popular Vote To Determine Presidency is Coming – Electoral College in Peril – IOTW Report

National Popular Vote To Determine Presidency is Coming – Electoral College in Peril


The National Popular Vote bill would guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Explanation 

ht/ all too much

40 Comments on National Popular Vote To Determine Presidency is Coming – Electoral College in Peril

  1. Wait, is this why there’s so much chatter about Trump not leaving peacefully if he were to lose? Lose what? The popular vote. Fuck that. I don’t need to pick up a gun, I already have one on my hip. No fucking way this can happen. No fucking way.

  2. This thread has given me a sudden clarity. That’s what they’re up to. That’s what all those dumb ass posts mentioned above are about. If you don’t own a gun, buy one, and learn how to use it. Libtards are going to try and circumvent the Electoral College. FUCK THAT.

  3. This is a direct violation of the US Constitution as well as a horrendous violation of the voting rights of the people in every one of these states. Just think ….. your state could go 80% for Trump in 2020, yet your votes for Trump would be counted for the democrat if they won the “popular vote” across the country. There is no point in voting if your vote for a given candidate that gained the votes to win your state is counted as being for the opposition candidate – the outcome is predetermined regardless of how your state votes. The citizens of these states should be in open rebellion against this garbage.

    As noted in the article below, the Electoral College is embodied in the Constitution in Article 2, Section 1, and in the 12th Amendment.

    If the SCOTUS doesn’t rightly put a stop to this crap, the USA and its constitution will be officially dead and buried. Just another way dims can attempt the theft of elections.

  4. Our future is more difficult to predict with every passing day. It’s becoming a crap shoot.

    Combined with national bankruptcy by 2024+ due to runaway Medicare and Social Security costs, this may be the route to…

    …too many scenarios…

  5. Article II of the Constitution and the 12th Amendment refer to “electors,” but not to the “electoral college.” Since the Electoral College process is part of the original design of the U.S. Constitution it would be necessary to pass a Constitutional amendment to change this system.

  6. Since it’s inception the Electoral College process created the ultimate childish pissing match for Democrats and Republicans.
    What ever happens, always ends up who lost and who won is why we still argue the need for both.
    Chose one or the other and move on, I know just dreaming maturity.

  7. @joe6pak March 7, 2019 at 11:48 pm

    > This has to be stopped! I don’t know how, but it has to be stopped.

    Of course, you know how. We all know how. That’s why it won’t be.

  8. @Bubba’s Brother March 8, 2019 at 12:18 am

    > If the SCOTUS doesn’t rightly put a stop to this crap, the USA and its constitution will be officially dead and buried.

    … I can’t even

  9. @Jimmy March 8, 2019 at 12:20 am

    > this may be the route to…
    > …too many scenarios…

    All roads lead to Rome.

    You remember Rome, @Jimmy?

    No, not that Rome. That Rome.

  10. This nonsense always boomerangs on the democomunists. Right Harry Reid? There’s going to be a role reversal where a democomunist wins the electoral vote but loses the majority vote and a patriotic Republican will be inaugurated. We’ll call it the Reid effect. Their efforts to do away with the electoral college is going to bite them in the ass.

  11. Wouldn’t this mean that all states would have to count ALL ballots, including absentee and provisional? I’m not sure they would win that count.
    Without that, who can prove who got more popular votes?
    Voters disenfranchised in states theat don’t count them all.?

  12. The founders had the fail safe of a second revolution in mind for a point long before government and society got to the point it’s at now.

    Look, I’m as big a believer in armed self defense as anybody here, but if this happens, who exactly you plan to shoot?

    I’ve been wanting to ask this question on several conservative boards for a long time but figured I would just be dismissed as a concern troll, which I’m not. The question is serious and legitimate. Can someone answer it?

  13. Can’t a resident on a state that has voted overwhelmingly for Candidate A sue when their state’s Electoral College Votes go to Candidate B only because NY and CA voted for Candidate B based on this law being un-Constitutional and a form of Taxation without Representation?

  14. I’ll be willing to let the popular vote decide a national election the moment VERIFIED Voter ID is required, and anyone who commits voter fraud or who aids in voter fraud is locked up for a minimum of 10 years in prison!

  15. The same (kind of) idiots who support Income Taxes will support this abomination.

    Mob rule.
    Where 51 people can vote to enslave (or kill) 49.
    And, if the 49 are unarmed, they will surely be enslaved or killed.

    If “Doing the same thing, expecting different results” is the definition of insanity, then we are, assuredly, insane.

    NEVER fall (or volunteer yourself) into the hands of your enemies!

    izlamo delenda est …

  16. Just an end run around the Constitution to avoid the legitimate process of amending it as it requires.

    But if it actually happens, can you imagine the number of recounts on top of recounts that will be demanded in every close election? And the examination of every single voter in those elections to determine if they are actually legitimate voters and not disqualified voters because of their legal status?

    It will make the Florida stuff look like a minor thing.

  17. This disenfranchises voters in smaller states, it has to be unconstitutional. Wouldn’t a member of a minority in a smaller population state be able to challenge this on a voting rights basis?

  18. “Trump is going to win the popular vote in a landslide.”

    Probably, but if several Leftist states have already decided to override and counterfeit that result while calling their fraud the result of the popular vote, no one will ever be able to prove otherwise.

    This whole thing harks back to the Great Compromise controversy. The nation could have split up over it, but back then at least we had opposing parties who were willing to deal honestly with each other for the good of the nation.

    We don’t have that now.

  19. The 17th amendment broke the Republic, this will finish the job. The Athenians figured out a long time ago what a Democracy will get ya. Keep in mind the very name of their party is the same as a form of government that has never actually worked.

  20. True, things are beginning to make more sense.
    I think it’s why Hitlery has silently backed out, she wants to be sought out for the job, you knows, the position that was rightfully hers. They’re loading the bases with the Trump won’t leave crap. Boy, it’s an evil bunch.

  21. @Anonymous March 8, 2019 at 8:23 am

    > can you imagine the number of recounts on top of recounts that will be demanded in every close election?

    Yes. The court(s) will cancel the election, and enthrone who they want.

    > It will make the Florida stuff look like a minor thing.

    There ya go.


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