Short, Dumpy Slob, Cenk Uygur, Says Christians are the Real Anti-Semites Because of End Times – IOTW Report

Short, Dumpy Slob, Cenk Uygur, Says Christians are the Real Anti-Semites Because of End Times

33 Comments on Short, Dumpy Slob, Cenk Uygur, Says Christians are the Real Anti-Semites Because of End Times

  1. Well, I’m no Bible aficionado, but aren’t Jews the chosen ones? Somebody help me out here. If that’s the case, where the hell is this fire hydrant going with this?
    I could be all wrong. Again.

  2. That’s like all those times on his show where he condemned his people’s responsibility for the Armenian genocide…..oh wait, that probably didn’t happen. Sometimes its better not to interject yourself into a discussion huh Cenk?

  3. Mathew 5:44-45
    But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.

  4. He is an Armenian genocide denying progtard. He has no compunction with regards to lying for the cause. He is just a vile man but if you can get a highlight reel of him on election night 2016 you wont regret it.

  5. Bad_Brad, there are differing opinions on Biblical interpretation, so here’s mine. When the Jewish leaders on behalf of all Jews, personally rejected Jesus Christ as their prophesied Messiah, they temporarily lost being God’s “chosen.” At some future time the Jews will be restored to that position by God. What really riles Jewish anger is the New Testament testimony that the Jews killed Jesus, which they did. And that is the real reason Christians are accused of being anti-semitic and why Christians are so hated by Jews. Religious Christians that have been bamboozled into supporting Israel simply do not understand their own theology. You might be familiar with Chuck Baldwin who just in recent years came to understand that he himself had been misunderstanding what Christians’ view of Israel should be. He caused cognitive dissonance among a lot of Christians.

  6. tRuth
    Wow, thanks for the info. The wifes Catholic (but ready to bail), I’m a heathen. Holy water burns. BUT, this stuff fascinates me. Thank you for the links.

  7. First off, “where all of the Jews die” will never happen. The ‘End Times’ will actually see the Jewish nation become stronger as they are the 144,000 that will help bring salvation to the world.
    Revelation 7:4
    Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel.
    Revelation 14:1
    Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads.

    And next, Christianity supports the Jewish nation and stands with them. There may be some so-called Christians who don’t, but they are not Bible believing Christians.
    Genesis 12:2-3
    “I will make you into a great nation,
    and I will bless you;
    I will make your name great,
    and you will be a blessing.
    I will bless those who bless you,
    and whoever curses you I will curse;
    and all peoples on earth
    will be blessed through you.”

  8. Phil, this is all admirable:
    Mathew 5:44-45
    But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.

    However: But, my enemies are to be defeated, I will not bless those that curse me, I will not do good to those that hate me, and I will not pray for those that will persecute me. At this point in time war is being waged against us and unless we wage war against or enemies they will bury us. We are at a crossroads, good thoughts will not save us.

  9. @Bad_Brad (at 12:03 am): Wow – so you’re a Heathen, too? It’s a small world, isn’t it?

    P.S. – The local Heathens have services on the 5th Friday of February every year (but only on non-leap years), so if you’re ever in the neighborhood around then, stop on by. We have free booze all day long.


  10. Dude has never cracked open the Bible even once in his sad, greasy little life. I was waiting for the left to wheel around and attack white people(for that is really Cenk’s target), and they showed up right on schedule. Look at the godforsaken resolution these demons passed!

    “Whereas white supremacists in the United States have exploited and continue to exploit bigotry and weaponize hate for political gain, targeting traditionally persecuted peoples, including African Americans, Native Americans, and other people of color, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, immigrants, and others with verbal attacks, incitement, and violence…Whereas on August 11 and 12, 2017, self-identified neo-Confederates, white nationalists, neo-Nazis, and Ku Klux Klansmen held white supremacist events in Charlottesville, Virginia, where they marched on a synagogue under the Nazi swastika, engaged in racist and anti-Semitic demonstrations and committed brutal and deadly violence against peaceful Americans;”

    Muslim Ilham Onar spews vile, ignorant racist bullshit about Jews, and it suddenly becomes the fault of white Christians.

    We really need to take back the House next year.

  11. @Claudia

    The two passages that you cited are the only two passages in the Bible that speak of the 144,000 and neither one says that they “will help bring salvation to the world”. It is the calling of the Church of Jesus Christ (all believers in Jesus) to share the Gospel with the world. The Jews reject it.

    The Antichrist and his followers will try to eradicate the Jews AND Christians (the elect in Matthew 24) which happens AFTER the abomination of desolation (Matt 24:15-31). God will save and protect a remnant of Jews during the 70th week of Daniel.

    After Jesus removes the Church, nobody will be saved. How many were saved after Noah and his family entered the ark? How many were saved in Sodom after Lot and his family departed? Jesus said that it would be the same when He returns (Luke 17:26-30).

  12. @tRuth.

    Your true colors are emerging….Stuxnet (blame Israel for defending itself), now the blood libel bloody shirt.

    Yeah, I get what you’re all about.

  13. Oh dear! Disagreement over the meaning of The Bible? No! Surely not. Why, I thought that understanding The Bible was kinda like the 97% of scientists who agree that “climate change” or “global warming” is “settled science.” No?

    I sent Fur a Breitbart link about an aged widow who may be evicted from a retirement home for upsetting another resident over her understanding of Heaven and Hell. (Nothing about what upset the poor old man so, but….)

    Fur declined to post. …….. Now, folk: Are Heaven and Hell literal, or not?

    ….Lady in Red

    PS: Last time I spoke with God he told me — seriously — that he supports gentle and humane late-term abortion and that we should stop killing and eating pigs: too many of us abuse the creatures very badly.

  14. Nah, Aaron. …….. I ain’t touching that idiot! ….Lady in Red

    PS: But, philosophy — and thinking, in general — is always good. ….even when it hurts.

  15. Thank you, Harpazo!

    Anyone here want to contend Heaven and Hell are figurative, never meant to be thought of as literal?

    (Me? I’m just trying to be as good as possible to hedge my bets.) ….Lady in Red

    PS: And, will we meet our pets when we cross The Rainbow Bridge…. ….or don’t pets — or badly abused pigs — get into Heaven?

  16. “Now, when I talked to God, I knew He’d understand
    He said, “Stick by my side and I’ll be your guiding hand
    But don’t ask me what I think of you
    I might not give the answer that you want me to”
    Ooh, well


  17. As I was coming up the stair
    I met a man who wasn’t there….
    He wasn’t there again, today.
    I wish to God he’d go away!

    I’m tired folk. Carry on tonight without me. …..Lady in Red

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