Note To Self – Stay Out of Achille, Oklahoma – IOTW Report

Note To Self – Stay Out of Achille, Oklahoma

What is going on in this town?

The entire police department has been suspended for a home raid caught on camera. (See video below.)

The town’s Board of Trustees will send recommendations after reviewing the footage, but wait until you hear about the board–>


While all four officers will be suspended with pay, Achille mayor David Northcutt says termination is a possibility.

“There were several issues which some felt arose in which the warrant was delivered, as well as other actions that occurred at the residence,” said Northcutt.

The officers will be interviewed and the body cam footage will be reviewed by the Town’s Board of Trustees.

Three out of five of those trustees have had recent run-ins with the law.

Councilman Lynn Chambers was arrested in December for meth trafficking and possession of weapons during a felony.

Northcutt was arrested by deputies in October for meth possession and first degree burglary, and on Saturday he was beaten in an Achille Convenient Store and sent to a local hospital.

And on Monday morning, police searched Bryan Baker’s home.

Michael Coble who rents a barn apartment from Baker, also had his home searched by Achille Police.

He says the gun and ammo police found belonged to him.

“So they came in there and got my weapon and tried charging my neighbor with it, which I think is cruel. If it wasn’t found in their house, they should have packed up and left,” said Coble.


35 Comments on Note To Self – Stay Out of Achille, Oklahoma

  1. a hole lot of bullshit going on there. The police are required to have not only the search warrant but the affidavit of probable cause or the search warrant is illegal.

  2. A lawsuit, and a really large one, against the Town, the Judge, the Police Dept. and (especially) each individual officer is needed or it will just encourage more of these types of attacks in the future.

    More of them until people rise up against them and stop them themselves outside of the court, anyway.

    Paid suspension is not a punishment, it is a reward.

    Behavior which is rewarded is repeated.

  3. Anybody familiar with the Hallmark movie An American Story? Based on a true event. More relevant today than when it was made in the early 90’s. Worth the watch.

  4. A couple of observations;

    1) They were lucky that the cops didn’t shoot their dog, this seems to be standard fare during warrants being served.
    2) The simple fact that the one cop needed to read Miranda from a card tells me they were young and inexperienced officers. Miranda is literally 4 one liners that most cops can memorize with no difficulty.
    3)The officers using profanity is so unprofessional.
    4)Yes, the officers were wrong in not producing the search warrant, but what bugged me was why you need to cuff the residents in the first place if you are just serving a search warrant, very odd.

  5. WOW a lot to unpack here
    1 cop cursing is unprofessional yes but IF that is your position I would ask you when was the last time you were fighting some one and didn’t curse.

    2) cops absolutely should produce the warrant when asked

    3) perp male was without question resisting all his screaming to the contrary means nothing

    4) during felon warrant search cuffing/detaining occupants is not only standard procedure it is proper safety precaution for officers involved .

    5) blogger who made this video has an obvious bias/hatred of police. however, I am not a fan of the militarization of police and Facemask dude probably does have a power trip attitude.

    6) blogger claims the raid was conducted on an “innocent family” but offers no evidence of their innocence.
    the fact that a warrant was issued by a judge means their had to be at least probable cause for guilt, unless the judge was totally corrupt which apparently every one in this town is.

    7) as far as reading the Miranda rights from a card it is not a rookie thing it is a legal thing if the cop doesn’t read from the card some slick lawyer will claim he didn’t recite the warning correctly.

  6. @Rich Taylor
    Let me guess! You’re one of these new age, jack-booted, Gestapo-type cops who do this kind of thing with glee and want people to cower in your presence, right? Well, guess what, buddy, this kind of policing has no place in a decent society. If you are a cop and condone this kind of crap, you are a disgrace to your uniform and not much of a man.

  7. Hambone, anyone that wishes violence against anyone is a gutless coward.

    Now, to the issue at hand. Nope, no jack booted gestapo types here, but notice that not once did I condone or approve the cop’s behavior or tactics, you just assumed (wrongly) that I did because I responded to your cowardly comment that these and other cops deserved to be killed.

    I bet I found half a dozen more things these cops did wrong then you did. See, not all people can or should be in police work, it is a tough job. And I suspect everyone of these cops will be fired, no sympathy here. But when you make jackass statements about mistakes being made on the job somehow should be paid for by murder, sorry son, you loose all credibility.

  8. Additional to my earlier comments

    seems to me the town is run by meth dealers who were elected to city council, local police should not be investigators in such a case. State police at a minimum if not the FBI should be lead investigators. Alternate possibility police are also dealers and the whole thing is nothing but a turf war among rival drug traffickers.

  9. Random thoughts: What was the warrant for? Was it necessary to go full SWAT tactical? ARs are offensive weapons; why bring them? Why are police allowed to wear masks (especially bullshit skull masks)? The guy WAS resisting – typical perp behavior, saying “I’m not resisting”, while resisting. The cops should have known there were children there; why not prepare for that and make the proper arrangements? Militarization of cops has got to stop.

  10. “Achille is a town in Bryan County, Oklahoma, United States. As of the 2010 census, the town population was 492…”
    Why does a town of less than 500 people have at least four police officers? Why do they have riot and SWAT gear?
    It definitely ain’t Mayberry…

  11. seaoh, I just saw your first comment which I will respond to now.

    1) Using profanity is unprofessional, in all circumstances, even when a subject is resisting.

    4) Do you know this for a fact or are you just guessing? The reason I ask is because I have been involved in many search warrants being served here in California. The procedure was that the warrant was produced upon entry and the residents were either taken outside or in to another room. Of course they were patted down and watched, but never handcuffed. Now to be fair, maybe in that state it is procedure.

    7) Nonsense, there is no requirement to read Miranda from a card. As I said before, it is 4 simple lines, anyone can memorize it with little effort.

    I think you may be right in your second comment that this could be some turf war over drugs. The FBI should be called in, an independent investigation is warranted.

  12. This Texan Has Had Enough March 10, 2019 at 7:06 pm

    I think I will stay out of the entire state of Oklahoma.

    Lived in OKCity for for about 6 months in `76. Weird place. All the liquor stores were state owned. To drink in a bar you had to bring your own bottle and pay them to serve it to you. All jobs went through employment agencies – no one would even talk about hiring you otherwise.

    Could give ChiTown a run for the money as windiest city. Could hardly cross a parking lot some days and the fine red silt stained and sifted through EVERYTHING! Don’t miss it.

  13. In my little town (pop. 4600), we have had two police involved shootings in the last week.

    The first, we still have no information on other than the allegation that someone with no warrant or criminal history attempted to run over an officer during a traffic stop and five shots were fired through his door. No info after a week. Not under arrest. Always a good sign.

    The second, the 51 year old mother of a fairly well known boxer was being transported by ambulance of Friday night where she is alleged to have pulled a knife on the ambulance driver and then allegedly started wielding it at police? The mother of a multimillionaire is threatening the police with a knife. Ok. She’s dead so that’s two TBI investigations in less than a month.

    They already lost a federal civil rights lawsuit after they videoed themselves repeatedly tasering an inmate who was restrained and the Sheriff bragged about it on Twitter.

    They were just recovering from the release of someone’s home video where a sheriff’s deputy was delivering a subpoena to a crime victim and, upon pulling up in their driveway, shot and killed their labrador after he slowly ambled up to him and started getting excited as be stepped out of the car.

    It’s all good though. 20 seconds after being on the scene, dead dog. By the book that says no one and no thing’s lives have any value.

  14. Very recently in Houston, some of these rogue cops staged a raid/search warrant on a home where four officers were shot and the two people inside were killed. Guess what? The ranking officer in the raid lied to obtain the warrant and is now facing a long prison term because of it. Hundreds of past cases are having to be reviewed because investigators have discovered that there was a pattern of corruption in obtaining search warrants by the rat bastard officer in question. How many people have been imprisoned or had their lives ruined by a single dirty cop who was thought to be a good cop. This sorry POS may face murder charges because the warrant was bogus and two people were killed. James Comey was a dirty cop and he attempted to overturn a legitimate election and almost succeeded. Just like in the general population, there are corrupt, dirty, crooked, power abusing people in virtually every police department in America. They damage the trust that people need to have in their law enforcers and anyone who defends bad cops is part of the corruption. These OK cops didn’t make mistakes or use bad judgement. They are criminals, every bit as bad or maybe worse than the people they are supposed to bring to justice. The rat bastard cowards should not be able to hide behind the badge and depend on their “brothers in blue” to protect their backs. Too many police departments have started to adopt a street gang attitude and behave as if anyone who is not a cop is the enemy. Bad cops are one of the worst things a civil society has to deal with and they should be rooted out and held accountable for their corruption.

  15. @ Rich Taylor

    re: 1) yes it is unprofessional and have stated so but it is also not uncommon in the heat of the moment. if every officer who cursed while making an arrest were fired few if any would ever make it to retirement.

    4) Each State and department has different training and laws regarding search warrant procedures, cuffing or watching occupants may well depend on what the warrant is for and how many officers are available. A small force like this one cuffing would be the safe choice (important question why wasn’t the Sheriffs office involved ?)

    7) I didn’t say it was required but officers in NY they are trained to read from a card because lawyers have accused officers of not Mirandizing perps correctly.

    The officers I know will still use the card no matter how long they have been on the job and even when they know it is being recorded on video.

  16. Additional I would add that this police force was/is poorly train as are so many in small towns in the south and Midwest, most likely they are underpaid too unless of course they are on the take in which case they are over paid.

    a good police officer can make a decent amount of money, but there is no limit to how much a bad officer can make.

  17. Jethro, they must write a lot of tickets to afford 4 cops. Good reminder to not drive through the town. All of these police forces, small and large got a lot of militant gear during the Obama years.

    Dad of 4, liquor stores in Oklahoma aren’t state owned and you don’t bring your own bottle to bars. I was raised in Oklahoma and never got a job through the employment agency and only a small percentage of companies even posted jobs with employment agency. In the old days if you received unemployment benefits they searched the classified ads and posted those jobs for you to look through, had many friends who went through that racket. When I went to bars when I was a young, you got either draft beer in a mug or glass the bar provided unless it was special draw nights then you got it served in plastic cups. Whiskey and mixed drinks came in a glass provided by the bar. Bottled beer came in a bottle that you watched them open. You must have visited the wrong side of the tracks bars.

  18. Hambone, everything you said about the Houston fiasco I agree with. All bad/corrupt cops should be rooted out and fired. But what I disagree with is the notion that these cops in this video are criminals. They might be, but I think the more accurate answer is that they were poorly trained (as most small town cops are) and did a terrible job of serving this search warrant. Many good cops get gunned down far too often, it is heartbreaking, and for you to make a blanket statement and these cops in this video deserved to be gunned down and murdered, well, that crossed the line for me.


    1) I never said cops that used profanity should be fired, I said it was unprofessional, and cops that take their jobs seriously do not let their emotions dictate behavior.

    4) It should be noted that this was a search warrant, not an arrest warrant. Of course each state has different procedures, I admitted as much in above comment. And I also admitted to the possibility that in this state cuffing residents while serving search warrants may be the norm. It just seemed odd to me because the instructions of the warrant are to search, not arrest.

    7) Sure, I guess if some officers need to or prefer to read from a card, fine, but this seems as ridiculous to me as when asked your name you need to take out your drivers license to read it. Miranda is short and simple to memorize, there no distinction between giving it from memory or off a card.

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