Mark Dice – audio of Google discussing “steering” conservatives – IOTW Report

Mark Dice – audio of Google discussing “steering” conservatives

8 Comments on Mark Dice – audio of Google discussing “steering” conservatives

  1. Google, Twitter, and Facebook (&c.) are “Common Carriers” by the legal definition.

    Why are they not being held to the same standards as Verizon, Frontier, AT&T, Sprint, et al, who cannot even dream of controlling the content of what’s carried over their systems?

    Quit fukkin around, Sen. Graham – Just Do It!
    Or perhaps President Trump has a pen and a phone?

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. It would be quite a chore to steer me around as a member of the written-off white male. Democrats have equaled my value to that of below dirt. They can say or do nothing to steer my thoughts.

  3. Here’s how they will steer you. They probably have a ISP database, and know or suspect you are a conservative due to former search results or links clicked. When you use Google, they access this database and change the search results you will see (if you are a conservative) to match their objective. If I can conceive of this you can bet someone else has already done it.


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