Harvard Scientists Want To Counter Climate Change With Antacid – IOTW Report

Harvard Scientists Want To Counter Climate Change With Antacid

Sometime this year, a group of researchers from the Keutsch Research Center at Harvard are going to release a balloon into the atmosphere. Their aim is to deploy a relatively small amount of calcium carbonate (the active ingredient in in Tums) into the stratosphere to study how well the particles will reflect sunlight back into space, thus acting as a means to cool the earth. More 

A Keutsch Center webpage describes the experiment in more detail and provides an email address that will sign you up for further information on the study.

29 Comments on Harvard Scientists Want To Counter Climate Change With Antacid

  1. Great idea!
    And we can attack or eliminate cow farts with a new product: BEANO FOR COWS!!!!

    Where can I buy stock in the manufacturer? I’ll be rich that will be great…oh, wait, that’s bad….

    Just sayin’.

  2. I thought the priority was fighting cow farts.

    Fake Science to cure a Fake Problem.
    But global intervention (the name of the fake cure) will only cost $10 Billion a year (not counting all the payroll for researchers, analysts, grant writers and administrators).

  3. Uncle Al, it’s no joke. These people are dangerous! We are a ball of water floating in space!!! What part of space is cold don’t they understand!?! The only reason that there is any life on this planet at all is because we are sitting in a sunbeam! There are so many more variables that cool the environment than warm it. If these so called eco-scientists start doing experiments on climate cooling. It is almost guaranteed to trigger a new ice age.

    I’ve been saying it for years, these people are dangerous and need to be stopped.

  4. I didn’t know that ma Gaia could get heart burn. Quick, bring out the Rolaids/Tums/Alka Seltzer whatever brand of heart burn relief that you have and quell the fire AKA globull warming. Plop, plop, fizz, fizz oh what a relief it is. Mama Mia that was one speecey, spicy bit of globull warming. And the end result would be the Earth letting out a great big volcanic belch or the loudest and worst smelling sulfur fart ever.

  5. Those damn 80’s movies,,,
    build it and they will come.
    Goes a lot deeper than that.
    Noah asked God where he would get all the animals for the ark and the answer was “Build it and they will come.”
    Still farting, all of us, in your general direction,,

  6. “…to study how well the particles will reflect sunlight back into space, thus acting as a means to cool the earth.”

    why don’t they just burn money, and let the pollution filter out the sunlight. It would be a lot simpler. Ask uncle georgie for some of his and also that bozo guy. They can cook veggie burgers or roast babies over the fire while they sing kumbayah.
    the socialist democrats would love that method.
    Seriously- can you think of one problem, sociological, scientific, medical or otherwise that hasn’t had the name ‘harvard’ tagged on to it?

  7. from the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for calcium carbonate:
    “Hazardous Products of Decomposition…. Reacts with acids to give off carbon dioxide. Decomposes at 870°C to form carbon dioxide and calcium oxide.”

    great, that will help things.

    also, the info sheet at the above web site says: “Initially, we may release ice (frozen water)…” I’m glad they explained what ice is. Sign me up- this sounds great!

  8. Back in the late 70’s the fathers of these morons (equally stupid or smart in getting government grant money) decided that the earth was heading for a man caused deep freeze and one of there ideas to keep the planet warm (and incidentally kill off all those cute Polar Bears) was to cover the arctic ice with powdered black carbon. This “idea” actually made it to the cover of TIME when it was still a magazine that people read.

    A few years later when all the models collapsed (thank God the black carbon project never got a chance) the money machine was turned a 180 and the scientists (by now hooked on government and private grant money and knowing if they didn’t find another scam they’d be teaching High School Physics or Gym) came up with man caused Global Warming and the money just began to pour in. Al Gore made well over 100 million dollars and a Nobel Prize by babbling about a “Planetary Emergency”, AOC is making her bones using a Green New Deal and a 12 year deadline to the end of the earth if we don’t change and many thousands of potential High School Chemistry or Gym teachers are now driving BMW’s or Range Rovers on account of this turn.

    Then it happened again, none of the models worked so they had to save their jobs by renaming it “Global Climate Change” (still man made of course however if it turns out to be mother nature this way they keep the money rolling in).

    I think the earth needs a few more “Mad” scientists and a lot fewer greedy ones.

  9. Another bunch of lunatics, with the hair brained notion that they will be able to manipulate the climate. Where do these quacks get the money for these kind of circus freak shows?

  10. We’re in a nice, warm, interglacial period, yet morons want the earth to cool again. Various sea life has removed billions of billions of tons of CO2 from the atmosphere and combined it with calcium over several hundred million years, and now the CO2 is locked up in the form of limestone and marble. During the last Ice age, CO2 levels got as low as 180 ppm. Plants require 150 ppm just tp survive. Sea life continues to take CO2 out of the atmosphere, and if not for man releasing CO2, all plant life would probably be dead in two million years. Now it probably won’t die for five million years. If we keep burning stuff and keep making cement, we could extend life on the planet several million more years.

  11. these assclowns are only ‘scientist’ in the same vein as Trofim Lysenko was a scientist

    these people, & idiots like O’crazio Vortex that parrot them, are very dangerous upon an ignorant society such as ours

  12. @ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ March 11, 2019 at 11:08 pm

    > these people … are very dangerous upon an ignorant society such as ours

    Not “ignorant”. “Stupid”. The adage about which you can fix is true. Being an adage doesn’t make the truth less true.

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