Pomona College in California is now offering funding for transgender students to change their gender. – IOTW Report

Pomona College in California is now offering funding for transgender students to change their gender.

Campus Reform-

The college is offering the funds specifically for fees related to changing one’s name.

On Friday, Pomona College announced that it would begin to provide funds for students wanting to change their name or gender on legal documentation; this funding would cover application and document fees.

Dean of Students Avis E. Hinkson sent an email to the student body informing them of the recent policy change, noting that the college would start providing “funds to students wishing to receive assistance with paying for typical application and document fees for changing one’s name and/or gender marker on legal documentation.”

“funds to students wishing to receive assistance with paying for typical application and document fees for changing one’s name and/or gender marker on legal documentation.”    

The current cost to legally change a name ranges normally between $200 and $400, but costs around $435 in California with expenses such as court fees. State law normally requires individuals to publish name changes in a local newspaper but has exempted individuals who change names as part of changing the gender marker. There will also be fees involved in changing the name and gender on official state documents like birth certificates and driver licenses.


10 Comments on Pomona College in California is now offering funding for transgender students to change their gender.

  1. When I started college the StudentBody fees (dont you dare all it tuition! This is a taxpayer funded school for all Californians! We do not charge tuition. That is the Indians across the Bay!) were$15. Every student paid $15 -white, brown, black, man, woman…. All paid the same. Pat Brown was implementing changes so that those who clearly were “more equal than others” would pay less. No Proff took a pay cut to help the “more equal”. So the less equal (white men) saw the “fees” rise. It was about 9 – 12% a year. When my kids were starting it was $900 a “Trimester” and they were now calling it tuition! I do not waant to know what my grand kids will be looking at in 2021 – But I fear I will be informed anyway!

    IOTW had a post last year (I think) about how the state wanted JC’s to pay criminal Aliens to attend. Natch, the “less equal” – American translation WHITE MEN- had their tuition raised to help pay for this. I remember not the $ but it was material.

    It seems this college is a private school not Cal Poly. BUT if you can think for yourself you know who will see their tuition go up!

    For the sheep in the middle of the herd. WHITE MEN!

    There are good reasons college costs for the “less equal” have surged the last 60 years. None of the ones the live tell you are honest reasons. Think about the above 4 paragraphs and figure it out for ourselves!

  2. Does Pomona pay the expenses for women who get married while in college to change their legal names? Changing one’s legal name is a purely private matter and the school should not be using other students’ funds to subsidize any individual.

  3. Bad and dumb. Those foolish kids will “change” their genders more often than they change their socks and underwear.

    “Yeah, last year I was a guy. I’m gonna switch back to being a girl for a while. Then, I’ll get all of it taken out and be an ambiguous as “Pat” on SNL. The college is paying for it, so fuck it”.

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