Trump Pushes for Deep Spending Cuts to Reduce Nation’s Mounting Debt – IOTW Report

Trump Pushes for Deep Spending Cuts to Reduce Nation’s Mounting Debt

Budget calls for $8.6 billion for wall to secure the southern border.
TEP:WASHINGTON­—The White House unveiled a new budget resolution calling for a significant cut to federal government spending. The proposal aims to reduce deficits by more than $2.7 trillion over 10 years and balances the budget in 15 years.

President Donald Trump unveiled a new outline for government spending on March 11, titled “A Budget for a Better America: Promises Kept. Taxpayers First.” This will be Trump’s third budget resolution sent to Congress.

“My 2020 budget builds on the tremendous progress we have made and provides a clear roadmap for the Congress to bring federal spending and debt under control,” Trump said in his budget proposal.

The vast majority of spending reductions are in non-defense discretionary programs, according to the blueprint, which requests a 5 percent cut to the 2019 cap level. However, the spending cut isn’t across the board, according to the White House. Hence, the budget provides flexibility to make investments where necessary. As part of the spending-cut initiative, the administration has also identified a number of wasteful and inefficient programs.

Russ Vought, acting director of the Office of Management and Budget, touted that the budget has “more spending reductions proposed than any administration in history.”

Economic progress made under Trump’s presidency has been threatened by “our unsustainable national debt, which has nearly doubled under the previous administration and now stands at more than $22 trillion,” he said at a White House press briefing on March 11.

“Congress has been ignoring the president’s spending reductions for the last two years. It’s only now in our third budget that they’re willing to have a conversation about the national debt.”  more

9 Comments on Trump Pushes for Deep Spending Cuts to Reduce Nation’s Mounting Debt

  1. …start by pulling University funding (see below thread on transgender financial assistance and many, many other examples at ANY publicly-funded university). This will not ONLY pay for the Wall, but STOP paying for people to preach to our kids AGAINST the wall, while teaching them to pretend to be other sexes and abusing them for being White…

  2. “A Budget for a Better America”
    Making “good” on all the lies somebody else signed my name to? I’m honored.

    The Budget for a Better America”
    Rope. Lots and lots of rope.
    (Don’t worry, Mr. President, you get to be last in line.)

  3. Trump should open the border for a week or two and offer invaders a free bus ticket to NYC. Explaining what open borders means to the future of electing democrats to office. See if Cuomo and NYC catch on to the truth behind open borders. It would be a great visual lab test with a first hands on experience with no wall for the rest of the nation to learn from. Then repeat until you get the right response.

  4. I wonder how many IOTW readers who collect $ from the government (military retirement, social security, medicare, etc.) would be willing to forgo their stipends for a reduction of the debt and for the freedom of taxpayers who are currently being forced to pay for them.

  5. @Billy Fuster March 12, 2019 at 12:29 pm

    > I wonder how many IOTW readers who collect $ from the government

    Are you asking “Give up what I have now. In exchange for whoever ‘you’ decide to give it to next.”? Or are you asking “Give up what I have now. Because there’s nobody left to pass out any gibs.”?

    I’m not interested in giving you, and all you friends, hamburgers today, so you’ll be fed well enough to decide who I should give more to next Tuesday.

  6. No reason for the American Taxpayer who worked for, earned, who paid into Social Security all their lives, were/are in the small percentage of Citizens who put their lives on the line to protect our country through the Military, to give up what they were told all their lives they had to do.

    The problem is bloated Gov’t Agencies and Politicians lining their pockets with our money. And sending our Tax Money to countries who hate us. This is on THEM, not the regular old American who is just living their lives the best way they can and follow and obey the rules and laws.


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