Testicular Bill of Rights – Dar’shun Kendrick (d) Georgia – IOTW Report

Testicular Bill of Rights – Dar’shun Kendrick (d) Georgia



HT/ wds

38 Comments on Testicular Bill of Rights – Dar’shun Kendrick (d) Georgia

  1. If you don’t report, will the pecker patrol show up at your door. What about teenage wet dreams? Do you have to report a accidental discharge of your weapon? Is there a difference between single shot and semen-auto? To many unanswered questions.

  2. You’d better watch out, you’d better not pout Alexa and Google etc. are watching your every move to make sure you only have govt. approved sex. Gays and lesbians and tranny freaks can screw all they want but if you’re heterosexual forget about it. The left can go fuck themselves and leave us the hell alone. Do I have to say it again, I despise the left.

  3. 1. Does the state require a man’s permission before a woman can receive hormone treatment or the pill?
    2. Are hysterectomies banned?
    3. Is it “aggravated assault” for women to have sex a) without a condom, b) without being on the pill, or c) without using an internal female condomm?
    4. How can a man be required to pay child support when women deny that what they are carrying is a child?
    5. Is there a 24-hour waiting period for women to purchase chocolate?

    It must be physically painful to be as stupid as this woman is.

  4. She calls this a bill of rights, but it is more a bill of punishments. A testicular bill of rights would be the right to have sex with whomever whenever the testicles wanted to.

  5. With a name like Dar’shun she’s already handicapped. She should be shunned just for being stupid beyond belief. Who comes up with these dumb ass names for both black men and women? Dat dar (is dar short for Darryl or Darlene or Darsha etc.) woman needs to be not only shunned but run away from away from as fast as you can move.

  6. This is, possibly, an interesting (beginning) counterpoint to forced birthing.

    However, I’m sure you screamers would never even see the irony. ….Lady in Red

  7. You do know that….

    Dar’shun Kendrick is a sitting member of the Georgia House of Representatives….93rd District….Atlanta/Lithonia area….and a DEMocRAT….

    She’d have no problem opening up the gas valve on you if/when she could.

  8. Fine, then all divorced women of means can start paying palimony.
    And be required to get their tubes tied if they have more than one child without a high school diploma,
    And be required to work in construction, especially masonry and stucco
    And start paying for dinner

  9. MJA….. You should try thinking for a change. It could improve your mood — and your health?

    Support for clear, clean thinking should never be denigrated, even by the likes of you. Insults get you nowhere. They are the recourse of petty, incompetent minds. …..Lady in Red

  10. @Thirdtwin March 12, 2019 at 12:05 pm

    > Hey, Dar’shun, quick question: How valid is a DNA test on an Unviable Tissue Mass, or a Clump of Cells?

    Trick question. Everywhere that mandatory DNA testing of offspring and purported parents has been suggested, feminists have said “No!”. For the children.

  11. Sounds like Dar apostrophe Shun, laid down with a few dogs.
    Like La-uh(Ldashuh) de apostrophe don’t be silent.
    Is there a contest to elect the most ignorant women to be solons?
    Abrams, Cortez, Omar, Mad Max hates the new competition.

  12. “Support for clear, clean thinking should never be denigrated, even by the likes of you. Insults get you nowhere. They are the recourse of petty, incompetent minds. …..Lady in Red”

    Wow. Irony much?

  13. I’ve said this time and time again, and frankly I am sick of this.
    Until you can admit to the fact that abortion is murder I am not interested in twatwaffling and droning on this subject without this obvious stipulation.

    The resistance to this admission renders any opinions superfluous.

  14. Oh, Fur! I stipulate that it is murder. So, is war. So is killing puppies and kitties and shooting deer and tormenting pigs before they are slaughtered.

    We like more “gentle” words for “that kind” of murder, but killing — period — may be construed as murder. Certainly, terminating a pregnancy may be seen as murder. I have zero problem with that.

    Name calling, arguments ad homimen aren’t convincing. There are important arguments to be made that clucks of groupthinkers should, at some point, confront.

    I enjoy powerful intellectual conversations and, as I wrote, this post is a possible interesting counterpoint to the forced birthing mandate of the groupthink right wing. …..Lady in Red

    PS: And, pls tell Mary Jane that I am not “miserable.” And suggesting that I commit suicide is not a very Christian thing to do.

    PPS: And whining to you is childish, to boot.

  15. @Lady in Red March 12, 2019 at 1:43 pm

    > terminating a pregnancy may be seen as murder. I have zero problem with that.

    Because “may be seen as” is zero agreement with that.

  16. Good, now that you’ve stipulated it’s murder get everyone else to admit it.

    Sure, it sucks to be the woman who gets pregnant if that’s not what you want to have happen. I understand that. But a special morality should not be carved out for women because of the way biology dealt the cards, and because a baby gets in the way.

    “Forced birthing” is a stupid expression, particularly when the remedy for the pregnancy is FORCED MURDER upon an innocent baby. Which is the moral thing to do – force a birth or kill the kid?

    We tolerated your attitude and wordplay for years. and here we are in 2019 and you’re still not outraged that a baby can be killed AFTER BIRTH.

    Everything that was said about the ghoulishness, blood thirst, heartless evil about the people who think like you has been vindicated.

    Forced reality will hurt you more than forced birthing.

  17. BFH – Thank you! That needed to be said. It’s ironic that LIR is complaining about insults when she insults the intelligence of anyone here who disagrees with her ghoulish world view.

  18. twatwaffling

    trunk monkey


    Jerry Manderin.

    Opens envelope….

    Things found in AOCs bathtub.


    We’ll be back right after these messages…. Doc Severinsen everybody……


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