Mueller Umasked- by Congressman Louie Gohmert – IOTW Report

Mueller Umasked- by Congressman Louie Gohmert

Robert Mueller has a long and sordid history of illicitly targeting innocent people that is a stain upon the legacy of American jurisprudence. He lacks the judgment and credibility to lead the prosecution of anyone. I do not make these statements lightly.

Each time I prepared to question Mueller during Congressional hearings, the more concerned I became about his work ethic. Then as I went back to begin compiling all that information in order to recount personal interactions with Mueller, the more clearly the big picture began to come into focus. At one point I had to make the decision to stop adding to this or it would turn into a far too lengthy project.

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ht/ js

13 Comments on Mueller Umasked- by Congressman Louie Gohmert

  1. With everything, and everybody that is known in this whole traitorous affair, and with the apparent lack of action from any law enforcement authority, when do we as a civilian population rise up and say enough is enough?!?! Who do we say it to?

  2. That, my friend, is the $64,000 question.
    Look around you. Take a look at the people you interact with on a daily basis. How do they vote? Do they nod their heads in agreement with those that would destroy what you hold dear? There are those in your area that, in the abstract, have no issues with rounding up “right wing radicals.” You may be in the group to head to the trains.
    I’m thinking that the future ain’t gonna be pretty.
    Losing is gonna be uglier.
    Wish I had a better answer.
    All I can say is prepare yourself and those you love.
    It’s coming.

  3. I’m completely bloody sick of this “show me the man and I’ll find the crime”. He was charged to find collusion between Trump and the Russians. He has come up with 19 indictments but not a single charge of collusion between Trump and the Russians. It’s been 2 years and millions of dollars wasted.

    It’s time that this bastard and everyone that has worked for him are investigated for “abuse of power”. It is high time that people who use the justice system to reign with blood and horror over the citizenry pay up. And by pay up I mean they are put against a wall and shot. That goes for the DA that kept going against the Duke La Cross team to Jesse Smollett. You invoke the power of the justice system in what you know to be a lie and “the people” find out prepare to be executed. With great power comes great responsibility.

  4. I would think that the courts would want to police those who come before it. But America has slipped so far that even those held so high at one time have gone into the toilet with the rest. America welcome to the third world, good luck trying to get honor and respect back.

  5. Hilary and Barry the Poncy Poof set all this crap up with Comey and those fucknards at Justice.
    Their job is to punish anyone around Mr. Trump.
    Collusion was never an issue.
    Gitmo needs some new residents
    Paint over the Muslim Mecca arrow and we can paint an arrow that points to where their house is on the mainland.
    Especially Brennan

  6. We are STILL suffering the effects of when the Clintons ruled the white house.

    They are as dirty as it comes and if you read the linked report you will see that horse-faced muller should be in jail himself for crimes he committed to further his own career and to cover for some of the MANY crimes the Klintons have done.

    Hanging from a rope by the neck until dead is too good for these anti-American POS losers and IMHO the only time they will face ANY kind of justice for their crimes is after satan calls them home to join McStain in hell and betrays them too.

  7. Mueller is the typical slug that is so deeply entrenched in the Washington swamp. But just think about how many others are surrounding him that allows this criminal behavior to go unaddressed.
    It’s really an eye opener to see just how bad it really is and how long it’s been happening right under our noses.
    I can’t see a way out of this mess without bloodshed. Given how bad things really are Trump is only making a small dent so far and his time is limited.

  8. During the mob trials up here in Massachusetts some years ago, this lower than whale shit asshole allowed a man to go to prison for years while knowing he was innocent of the charges. Howie Carr (radio talk show host and Boston Herald columnist), an expert on mob activities and trials for years, knows all the details on this matter. Mueller is truly a piece of shit.


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