Alexandria Ocasio Stupido Receives, Once Again, 3 Pinocchios From WAPO Fact Checkers – IOTW Report

Alexandria Ocasio Stupido Receives, Once Again, 3 Pinocchios From WAPO Fact Checkers

The valley girl sounding dunce (until she stumbles upon a word like latino and sounds, for just that moment, like Cheech or Chong) tried to make a “gotcha” point about Trump’s treatment of the opioid crisis versus the border wall, and stepped on her own “deeeeeeeeeeeek.”

What was so stupid about this exchange?

Trump didn’t transfer any money from other agencies for the opioid crisis because CONGRESS APPROPRIATED THE MONEY!!!!!!




19 Comments on Alexandria Ocasio Stupido Receives, Once Again, 3 Pinocchios From WAPO Fact Checkers

  1. The wapo retractions are meaningless. The sock puppet got out the lies for her handlers, for consumption by the dregs wanting to believe them.

    The wapo is meaningless as a news source, anyway.

  2. AOC is simply the face for ignorant and gullible millennials to follow. She is a puppet on a string. The bigger question is how much longer will the “old guard” leadership in the Democratic party be able to retain their hold on the party.

  3. I hope her staff gets some K-Y Jelly for that microphone; it’s going to chafe.

    Reminds me of the meme:
    “If you’re going to talk out of your ass, please have the courtesy to stand up. All we can hear is mumbling.”


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