Coming Home From College – IOTW Report

Coming Home From College

American Greatness: Every year, many thousands of American parents find that the son or daughter they sent to college has been transformed by college into a leftist. For left-wing parents, this may be a blessing, but for parents who are not leftist—not to mention conservative—it is often painfully jolting.

It is jolting because their beloved child now holds America in contempt; prefers socialism to capitalism; regards all white people and police as racist; believes the Bible, Christianity and Judaism are not only nonsense, but dangerous nonsense; no longer believes men and women are inherently different—or even that male and female objectively exist; is disinterested in getting married and having children; believes the president of the United States is a fascist—as are all those who voted for him; and supports the suppression of speech that he or she regards as “hate speech.”

While this is music to the ears of left-wing parents, most traditionally liberal parents will not be all that happy with this transformation. Unlike leftists, most liberals do love America and think that, despite its flaws, it is worthy of respect. They do not believe male and female are subjective categories, and they believe in free speech—even for “hate speech.”

For conservative parents, the transformation is far worse. “Nightmare” is not too strong a description. Not only does their child hold everything they cherish in contempt, their child, who loved and respected them a year or two before, now holds them in contempt.

It is a nightmare for another reason: Young people who are transformed into leftists almost always become less kind, less happy and more angry.

20 Comments on Coming Home From College

  1. Sent my daughter to FSU for 4 years. She departed conservative and hard working. She came home conservative and very hard working. She had 2 jobs the entire time she was at college, one at a Bistro and one at the campus PD dept. This was a requirement by me or all money would be yanked. Sure, we had drama, lots of emotional drama, as she was only 17 when she moved out, but she was raised firm in her core beliefs. Praise be to Jesus.

  2. Leftist indoctrination didn’t work on my son. After having been admitted to college and then forced to attend a mandatory freshman orientation weekend that was nothing more than a SJW propaganda session, he withdrew before classes began and instead joined the Navy as a Nuke ET.

  3. Too many of these young people never had a serious grounding in basic logic and reality let alone politics. Those that had attentive and instructive parents were more likely to not be influenced by the leftist nonsense. See above.

  4. Anyone who sends their kids to mainstream colleges are FOOLS. And the fact that you paid for the brainwashing means you are DOUBLE-fools. What are you thinking? The only way you wouldn’t know what was going to happen was if you were totally blind so in that respect you got what you deserved.

  5. I think Mr. Prager underestimates most of the young people today. College admission to good schools is fiercely competitive, and ambitious high school students know this. The goal for most is to obtain some degree or education which will advance their goals. My kids and their college friends went to class more, studied harder and partied less than I did. Many of them believe that their ultra-liberal professors and teaching assistants are jokes, but recite the party line so they can get a grade, get out and get about their life.

    True, colleges turn out many progressives who will ultimately be failures. But I think that these kids were ripe for this type of indoctrination even prior to going to college, and universities did not “convert” them to progressivism. Frankly, the uber-liberal students are more ignorant, more loud and aggressive, and less motivated than most of the other students and that’s why they get the press.

    College isn’t real, and most students graduate with some sort of pollyanna belief system. But a short time in the real world is a dramatic wake up call, and these new graduates soon learn what works and what doesn’t work. The ones that don’t live in their parents’ basement. I’m not ready to give up on these young people.

  6. Parents who relinquish their responsibility to ‘educators’ are no better than those ‘parents’ who gifted their underage daughters to R Kelly as concubines.
    No better than.

  7. @Whatt

    I think it depends in the field of study. I don’t think most STEM students buy into the progressive crap, and only get exposed to liberal professors for their general requirements. I had a few polite discussions with liberal professors and I don’t believe I was penalized for it.

    Now if you are stupid enough to let your kid major in crap like gender studies, you get what you deserve, and hopefully your kidad a warning to others, will spend the rest of his life paying off his loans while bar tending.

  8. @Mortgages for the Masses: I believe students who major in things like gender studies or other crap like that are already programmed to be ultra-liberal. They are wasting their time and these majors exist only to provide a few positions for older ultra-liberals who majored in these things. But the STEM students and the business students are a different breed.

    The problem as I see it, and my children attended a couple of different universities, is the administration and not the student body as a whole – the administration is engaged in suppressing freedom of speech, action and thought because the students raise too many pesky questions and don’t always act like the progressives want them to. I went to Illinois, and we had Chief Illinwek perform at most functions. The administration banned the Chief, but just about every year some organization sponsors a poll or a vote and the result is to bring back the Chief. But despite these efforts, Chief Illiniwek still lives and you can almost guarantee at least one or more students will show up at games in Chief gear.

  9. Geoff C. The Saltine here.
    When we sent our daughter off to the U. of Washington,she was told that we would not pay for any class that had the title “Studies” in them,we paid for one because it was required for her English class,I think they learned about igloo’s or something like that.
    She went to the Foster Business School at the U W which is one of the top business schools in the country,could not get in in her first year, that is how hard it is to get into, got in in her second year and completed the course in two years.
    Left school with two job offers from CBRC (she worked for them for 2 years while in school) the largest real estate company in the world. She still has her leftist thinking to some degree (Climate BLM) but that will change as she likes money and can see that free hand outs do not work,she never got one at home.
    Just like Wyatt, I have not or will not give up on the youth in America, I have seen and know too many good kids that will not bend to the left and hand over their freedom to those that will enslave them.
    Good comment Wyatt.

  10. Just take a look at TPUSA for encouragement about our next generation.

    Lately I’ve been thinking about what John Adams said about the studies of generations:

    “I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain.”

    knowing Adams, I’m sure there is a lot of contextuality that fills in the blanks, but I wholly disagree with his sentiments if they stand alone. That is how we got kids who don’t study American history anymore.

    I was also thinking about the songs and poems we were taught about America as young students, starting about in the 2nd or 3rd grades. And not just national songs, but songs about our states, too. “Roll on, Columbia” for example — the story of hydro-electric power.

    We have two official state songs. The other is “Washington, My Home.” Here are the lyrics: (It’s so sad that things have changed so drastically for the worse)

    “Washington, My Home”

    This is my country; God gave it to me;
    I will protect it, Ever keep it free.
    Small towns and cities rest here in the sun,
    Filled with our laughter. Thy will be done.


    Washington my home;
    Where ever I may roam;
    This is my land, my native land, Washington, my home.
    Our verdant forest green,
    Caressed by silv’ry stream.
    From mountain peak to fields of wheat, Washington, my home.
    There’s peace you feel and understand.
    In this, our own beloved land.
    We greet the day with head held high,
    And forward ever is our cry.
    We’ll happy ever be
    As people always free.
    For you and me a destiny;
    Washington my home.
    For you and me a destiny;

    Washington my home. State Song: Written by Helen Davis, arranged by Stuart Churchill, and became the official state song in 1959. © State of Washington.

    State Folk Song – “Roll on, Columbia, Roll on”

    Roll on, Columbia, roll on
    Roll on, Columbia, roll on
    Your power is turning our darkness to dawn
    So roll on, Columbia, roll on.
    Green Douglas firs where the waters cut through
    Down her wild mountains and canyons she flew
    Canadian Northwest to the oceans so blue
    Roll on Columbia, roll on
    Other great rivers add power to you
    Yakima, Snake, and the Klickitat, too
    Sandy Willamette and Hood River too
    So roll on, Columbia, roll on
    Tom Jefferson’s vision would not let him rest
    An empire he saw in the Pacific Northwest
    Sent Lewis and Clark and they did the rest
    So roll on, Columbia, roll on
    It’s there on your banks that we fought many a fight
    Sheridan’s boys in the blockhouse that night
    They saw us in death but never in flight
    So roll on Columbia, roll on
    At Bonneville now there are ships in the locks
    The waters have risen and cleared all the rocks
    Shiploads of plenty will steam past the docks
    So roll on, Columbia, roll on
    And on up the river is Grand Coulee Dam
    The mightiest thing ever built by a man
    To run the great factories and water the land
    So roll on, Columbia, roll on
    These mighty men labored by day and by night
    Matching their strength ‘gainst the river’s wild flight
    Through rapids and falls, they won the hard fight

  11. AA
    Ya should have followed Sam. I believe he coined the phrase “Kill them all, let God sort them out”. Good things coming pal. It’ll be hard to keep up with it all after Müller, yes that’s the correct spelling, releases his report. That’s what DJT and company are waiting on. After that the gloves come off.

  12. BB — Sam was the black sheep of the family. He was more of a Jeffersonian with his vision of constant revolution and a tendency toward libertarian thought and mob rule. John Adams understood the power of equal justice under law.

    Listening to those songs on YT just now brought a tear to my eyes. What are California’s songs?

  13. AA
    Sam Adams was a Bar Room Brawler with lots of friends that hated the British. He was, in that day, a hooligan. Sam Adams gave the speech at the Continental Conference that swayed the vote for independence. Plus, he makes a damn good beer. We should all be Sam Adams.

  14. AA, If California has a song, I haven’t heard it. I’m thankful I live in a county with a Patriot Sheriff. Gavin Newsoms latest stunt has already been challenged in the courts. Let’s hope the Trump effect has set in. It will be heard in the 9th. I’ve never read the California Constitution. That’s what that fag Gavin is relying on.


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