Portland Elementary School Let Parents With the Highest Bid Pick the Teacher They Wanted For Their Child – IOTW Report

Portland Elementary School Let Parents With the Highest Bid Pick the Teacher They Wanted For Their Child

School vouchers? No.

Teachers going to the highest bidder? Absolutely.

Oregon Live-

The “choose your teacher” item was a last-minute addition at the March 2 auction and was green-lit by Principal Shawn Garnett, according to emails obtained by The Oregonian/OregonLive under a public records request.

Six parents won the opportunity to choose their student’s next teacher, contributing a combined $1,300 to the fundraiser’s final tally, district spokesman Harry Esteve said.

In an email to Maxwell, Garnett said educators complained about the auction’s optics. They were concerned the “choose your teacher” stunt would contribute to inequity among students.


You think?

The left always shows their true colors when they are just winging it, unfiltered.

The optics of rich people bidding on a human, who is better than another human, so their rich kid can gain an advantage is not so good.

I think it’s in the left’s DNA.

ht/ jd hasty

9 Comments on Portland Elementary School Let Parents With the Highest Bid Pick the Teacher They Wanted For Their Child

  1. This embarrassment could have been avoided if Portland Public Schools encouraged parents to select competitive Charter Schools. So what if scores doubled when budget cut in half?

  2. Hiring so many under qualified losers to teach is at the heart of this. Pay enough and your child can get a teacher that actually does the job.
    The rest of the shlubs get some idiot that’ll teach them Obama anthems.

  3. “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”
    ——George Orwell.

    Pecking order…..the political class, the rich, then the rest us….deplorables, unwashed masses, and/or common people.


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