Jay Leno Rips Late Night TV For One-Sided, Mean Spirited Politics – IOTW Report

Jay Leno Rips Late Night TV For One-Sided, Mean Spirited Politics

The Lid:

In recent times Late Night TV, once a must watch for many people, has become too mean-spirited to watch. Former Tonight Show host Jay Leno agrees. Leno is very discouraged over the drive toward far-left politics now indulged by the new group of late-night hosts since he left the air.

Leno recently appeared on NBC’s Today show and lamented over how “everyone has to know your politics” these days if you want to be a late-night comedian. He also worried that things have become too “one-sided.”

As Newsbusters noted:

Leno noted that he tried to follow famed host Johnny Carson’s model and perform his host duties in a more even-handed way, politically. Leno is right, Carson felt the purpose of late night TV was to entertain and warned about late-night hosts getting too self-important about politics. Late night TV was there to entertain:


17 Comments on Jay Leno Rips Late Night TV For One-Sided, Mean Spirited Politics

  1. Leno understands entertainment. Don’t PO people, or alienate them, Just make them laugh to forget their daily worries, and just entertain.
    The new breed of late night hosts just want to virtue-signal and fall inline with the current PC (Pravda) truth.

  2. I don’t even know anyone that watches the shit the broadcast on latenite anymore. These new scum sucking liberal maggots couldn’t come close to having the talent Leno, Carson, or even Parr had in their heyday.

  3. They would probably be doing a service to the American People if the just shut everything off after the 11 O’clook news and put a test pattern up till 6a.m.!

  4. @Ivan. Remember when you were up really late and they’d play that Air Force poem, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth’….then static? AKA. The good old days.

    The good news is that we get much more sleep these days.

    I remember racing home from waiting tables to see must see SNL. I haven’t watched it in 20 years. It sucked back in the Will Ferrell days and wasn’t all that political.

  5. They’re all spineless. When a proud homo is invited to the VP residence, by Pence, brings his partner and lectures the VP on Pence’s ‘bigotry’, no one stood up to slap Ireland PM Varadkar down. Pence was the butt of jokes.

  6. Holy shit, I’m so old I remember when the people reading the news wore a big yoke around their necks with the microphone on it and SMOKED CIGARETTES while they read the news!

  7. @PHenry – “Remember when you were up really late and they’d play that Air Force poem, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth’….then static?”
    I would wake up extremely early and quietly go downstairs and watch the old RCA just to watch that closing movie featuring an F-104 and the reading of that poem.
    I have a framed print-out of that poem in my shop-office.


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