Another State adopts the anti-Trump bill – Show us your taxes or you’re off the presidential ballot – IOTW Report

Another State adopts the anti-Trump bill – Show us your taxes or you’re off the presidential ballot


“Resist we much,” as Al Sharpton famously said on MSNBC. And with Blue America, they’re doing it non-stop. They’re still sour and angry over their 2016 loss. They still cannot accept or tolerate Donald J. Trump being in the position that should’ve gone to Hillary Clinton. This is what happens when you don’t expect to get punched in the mouth. So, with 2020 on the horizon, some blue states are trying to do a few things to make it more difficult for Donald Trump to stay on their respective ballots. For starters, they’re rehashing the tax return debate.

Donald Trump didn’t release his taxes. He refused to bow to liberal media pressure. Yet, for New Jersey, they’re advancing legislation to keep any presidential candidate off their ballot if he or she didn’t release their tax returns. In Washington State, they’re trying to do the same thing last week (via CBS News):


34 Comments on Another State adopts the anti-Trump bill – Show us your taxes or you’re off the presidential ballot

  1. They openly tamper with elections because they have nothing to fear. And tax law is so convoluted and open to interpretation that they would be able to harass Trump endlessly if they ever got ahold of his returns.

  2. The Constitution sets the requirements for the President.

    Age of 35, natural born citizen (a citizen by birthright, not a naturalized citizen), and a resident in the United States for fourteen years. Amended to having been elected only twice, becoming ineligible after that, and applying the same requirements to the Vice President.

    That’s all that is allowed, a State cannot add additional additional requirements to it (without a Constitutional amendment, which would take a lot more than a single State).

    Not that anyone cares much about the Constitution anymore, but this is something the Courts can hardly ignore at any level in ruling on challenges to the law.

  3. I’m all for transparency. Let’s do a deep dive and audit EVERY federal, state and county agency.
    Because they can scream about whatever Trump did or did not do as a businessman, but I as a citizen never had to pay a dime without any say so as to how/where MY money was being spent.

  4. Good idea!

    Though the swamp rats within the government will help in any cover up.

    On the other hand, the only people whose taxes aren’t interesting are leftist parasites who never created a thing in the private sector, or the likes of chelsea clinton, who lives off a trust from embezzled funds.


  6. By all means, let’s extend the bill to include legislators, both federal and state. It should also include governors, mayors, aldermen — anyone who depends on voters for his office. I’m thinking the Dems will scrap that bill faster than Warp Six.

  7. It will be reversed in the courts. The Dims are really showing their colors. If, by some small chance, Trump were not on the ballot I would be the greatest write in ballot in history and increase turnout bigly!

  8. Hillary would have been a one-termer. 2020 would be her second term and not only is she not running, but no one wants her to run. If the election was truly stolen from her then why wouldn’t they want her for what should have been her second term? It makes is pretty obvious the democrats aren’t at all upset about Hillary losing, but are simply sore losers. Democrats recognize vis-à-vis less taxes and more freedoms and secure sovereignty that DJT is the best candidate for the job (and Hillary the less better), but like any sore loser they refuse to vocalize it. Little do they realize their actions speak loudly. What do released tax forms have to do with it? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

  9. Republicans control some 32 state legislatures. They could easily find some way to keep the Dem candidate for president off the ballot. If this is what it’s coming to, then let’s have it.

  10. Sorry morons. You can’t change horses in midstream. If you wish to modify the Constitution to fit your requirements, you have 10 years and you only need to get 75% of the states to agree with you. That is sort of like climbing Mount Everest in a handstand.

  11. More tantrumism from people whose brains are not fully developed.

    Maybe they are afraid that Trump’s success, meaning ordinary Americans’ success, will put their blue states in play in 2020. This will go nowhere, but it is great theater for the neanderthal left.

  12. Demand all high school essays and yearbooks from Dem candidates: subpoena all friends and associates of said candidate, from first grade and on, and put them on trial to testify of a the candidate’s personal life and character. Dox and open investigations on all college roommates, business associates, and family members – with threats of prison time – as a prerequisite to inclusion on the ballot.

    See how this can work? Come on, conservatives! The Left has gotten away with doing this to Trump and Kavanaugh… Where’s your fight!!!?

  13. Show us Obama’s unforged birth certificate, a legitimate SSAN, an authentic draft card, his Passport records, and his school records. Then we want to see all of Hillary’s deleted emails. In the interest of fairness President Trump should have as many years to reveal his taxes as Obama took to expose his records.

  14. we will lose on this

    what’s new

    the reason we will lose is the pathetic, cowardly group of tools called congressional gop will not do anything to fight for us to stop the takeover of the political system by these leftist scum

    when will people wake up and realize that the republican party is not going to save us from democrat policies. they are not going to save us from anything.

    paul ryan is a scumbag and a trator to everything we stand for.

    and now is deputy is in the new gop leader.

    all anyone has to do is see who’s elected to run the house gop
    then, it becomes obvious that we are doomed.

  15. First, the socialist states have agreed to ignore the Constitution and have agreed to go with the popular vote in presidential elections. Now, a couple of states have agreed to remove a valid candidate from the ballot from a historically valid party because they want to see anything that they can use to destroy him.
    My question is, what were the IRS doing all those years? If they had a problem, don’t you think they would have nailed him before now?

  16. Trump should hold up ALL FOOKIN’ federal funds for any state that does not abide by federal election standard for federal positions!

    Since we can’t kill those assholes we may as well cut off their paycheck!

  17. I doubt that this could be legal.

    These states are taking the right to vote away from their citizens.
    This could validate a civil war within their own state.

  18. We can all list an address in a Conservative state and vote. Perhaps we could all share the same address, isn’t that what illegals do in order to get welfare?


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