Eco-activist’s sordid criminal history sheds light on parents’ role in children’s climate crusade – IOTW Report

Eco-activist’s sordid criminal history sheds light on parents’ role in children’s climate crusade


Daily Caller: A parent of one of the children suing the U.S. government for not doing enough to confront climate change has a long criminal record connected to her attempts to derail energy projects.

Her legal history has flown under the radar as the litigation gains more media traction.

Jayden Foytlin is among 21 young people suing the U.S. federal government for not doing more to address global warming. Media reports discussing Jayden’s story have not fleshed out the role her mother, Cherri Foytlin, played in a growing anti-pipeline movement. Cherri has been arrested at least three times during direct action protests, according to copies of her arrest records obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Cherri has become a major actor in the environmental movement, opposing a number of pipeline projects over the past eight years, including the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). She is focused on scuttling the Bayou Bridge Pipeline in southern Louisiana, even as the project nears completion. Many of Cherri’s protests and arrests have been caught on video and used to promote her demonstrations.

She can be seen in online videos resisting arrest, arguing with government authorities and refusing to leave a local sheriff’s office after claiming Louisiana officials were “bought by big oil.” Cherri’s group L’eau Est La Vie, or Water is Life, for instance, claimed on Facebook to have successfully shut down an October 2018 Energy Transfer Partners’ shareholders meeting in Texas using various direct action techniques.

Screen Shot Cherri Foytlin

Cherri has an arrest warrant out in her name for disrupting that ETP meeting, Reyna Raul, a public information officer in Dallas County, told TheDCNF. She was initially charged in October 2018 for disorderly conduct, Raul confirmed, but a judge reviewed Cherri’s case and determined in February that her attempts to derail the meeting, which was chaired by ETP CEO Kelcy Warren, was a misdemeanor.



13 Comments on Eco-activist’s sordid criminal history sheds light on parents’ role in children’s climate crusade

  1. There is absolutely nothing lower than adults who exploit children in an effort to advance their own political agenda. Absolutely nothing they have done would surprise me.

  2. She should have saved her child from environmental dangers and dirt by not having children. Knowingly exposing children to atmospheric poisons is criminal. The child’s mother needs to be arrested for child abuse by not aborting her.

  3. It’s actually selfish motives that stir these people. They aren’t doing it for others or “the good of the planet”. They have meaningless lives so they latch onto something to do that has some sort of transcendence (in their opinion). This way they think their life will count for something. In other words, all this activism is to fill a need in them self to have their lives mean something


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