Pew: Christianity in Europe strongest where it was banned – IOTW Report

Pew: Christianity in Europe strongest where it was banned

ONN: Research over the past couple of years reveals that Christianity in Europe is the strongest where it was banned.

“The Iron Curtain that once divided Europe may be long gone, but the continent today is split by stark differences in public attitudes toward religion, minorities and social issues – such as gay marriage and legal abortion,” Pew Research reported from its two-year study. “Compared with Western Europeans, fewer Central and Eastern Europeans would welcome Muslims or Jews into their families or neighborhoods, extend the right of marriage to gay or lesbian couples or broaden the definition of national identity to include people born outside their country.”

After tallying the results from its two-year survey administered to 56,000 adults from 34 Eastern, Central and Western European nations, Pew divulged that the continental religious divide has greatly impacted social and political views in those regions.

“Christianity has long been the prevailing religion in Europe, and it remains the majority religious affiliation in 27 of the 34 countries surveyed,” the report from Pew Research reads. “But historical schisms underlie this common religious identity: Each of the three major Christian traditions – Catholicism, Protestantism and Orthodoxy – predominates in a certain part of the continent.”

Different forms of Christian faith predominate in specific geographic regions on the continent. more here

5 Comments on Pew: Christianity in Europe strongest where it was banned

  1. …Christianity survives because it’s REAL. And no Muslim, Pharisee, or Roman emperor murdering Christians for Sol Invictus (to name just a FEW) will EVER change that.

  2. Key point:

    “[but] Western Europe also has growing populations of religious unaffiliated citizens”

    Europe has always been in some degree of flux but balance that against the growing number of Mohammedans. The result will be the end of Europe as it’s existed for centuries.

  3. “…a billion mohamedans might disagree…”

    …they do indeed, but false gods will not prevail against the TRUE Lord, however murderous they may be…and they don’t really get any traction by sending Christians to Heaven, which is all they’re doing when they murder them…they may triumph for a time on Earth, in fact the Bible tells us they WILL, but they, and not their victims, will suffer for it in the end, @Crackerbaby.

    …they may kill a Christian, but they will NEVER triumph against Christianity. God’s people will be here until He calls them home.

    …and then the REAL disasters to those that persecuted them will begin…

  4. SNS,

    Please keep one very important fact in mind which is often overlooked in discussions like this one (you probably know it but it needs mentioned): sometime during the events you describe, there’s going to be a world leader arise who will be unlike anyone seen before.

    He will head up a combined one world government/economy/religion, will have (briefly) forged unprecedented world peace where no peace had ever been possible before, and he will be indwelt by Satan, whose lying “miracles” will be manifested around this man. The whole world will bow to him. I believe this to be literally true because (a) it’s what Scripture says will happen and (2) even nonreligious people can look at world affairs over the past 100 years and see that, whatever their driving force and meaning, that’s the direction things have been heading.

    Anyway, I’m mentioning this only to point out that this great delusion is guaranteed to come upon ALL who are not truly in Christ. It will be sent as the judgment from God Himself upon all who today reject the saving gospel of Christ when they’d had the chance to believe and be saved.

    While there will be a remnant of redeemed, regenerated Jews who see the man of sin for what he is and will be the target of Antichrist’s fury, everyone else – without exception – will be living in relative prosperity when the wrath of God begins to outpour upon them, as they will have been willingly marked by Satan. For them, there will be no hope. They will come from all over the globe and there will be millions of them, thoroughly deceived by Christendom, who have labeled themselves “Christian.”


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