Verizon Suspends Worker Who Rescued Cat Stuck On a Pole For 12 Hours – IOTW Report

Verizon Suspends Worker Who Rescued Cat Stuck On a Pole For 12 Hours

“He Put His Life And Those Around Him In Jeopardy.”


Maurice German, the Verizon employee credited for rescuing a cat from atop a utility pole in Port Richmond last weekend, was suspended three weeks by Verizon on Friday. But the company says it takes “no joy” in the punishment.

German was working in the Port Richmond neighborhood last Saturday when a resident asked him to help rescue Momma the cat, who had been stuck on top of the pole for about 12 hours. German obliged and safely returned Momma to its owner.

No one was injured in the rescue, but it put everyone in the vicinity in danger, Verizon said.

“We take no joy in this job action,” Verizon spokesperson Rich Young said. “However, we’re committed and responsible for keeping our employees and customers safe while working in a particular area.”


41 Comments on Verizon Suspends Worker Who Rescued Cat Stuck On a Pole For 12 Hours

  1. Couldn’t they have used this for beneficial advertising ?…I mean something like this….
    “our network is so broad that we rescue pussy from poles”….
    …”no pussy goes hanging”…
    …”we’ll rescue your pussy too”….
    …When your pussy’s stuck…we bring the truck”…
    ….”German rescues Pussy from the Poles”….

  2. Comment from the site:

    :This tec had his gloves on. Also, he was very careful with his bucket truck and electrical wires. You hear all the time Verizon Tecs saving people from burning buildings. Verizon didn’t feel bad suspending the tec for 15 days, they could have given him a warning. This is the way Verizon treats its tecs. These tecs are under a lot of pressure. Maurice from a retired Verizon employee THANK YOU !!! Thanks for going above and beyond your job
    on a daily basis. Your union brother and sisters recognize the hard great work you do.”

    Let me shorten that comment. Verizon are dicks.

  3. I worked in telcom for 10 years {wireless}
    for most of the major players.
    They are all PC correct a-ho’s that
    take credit for everything the lowly field
    engineers accomplish.Too many middle management
    types that are dumber than dirt in the real world…
    So Sayeth The Radioationman.

  4. If that was putting himself in jeopardy then what is he doing with that job in the first place. I haven’t been in a man lift in 30 years and I could have done that. Good for him. I noticed he had long sleeved jacket and what appeared to be heavy gloves. Smart man. I had to get a cat out of a tree once and I had a heavy Carhart jacket and goat skin gloves, once I got a hold of that poor cat he put his claws into everything I was wearing. His claws must have been an inch long. If you ever have to rescue a cat be sure to wear protective gear.

  5. that “keeping our employees & customers safe” is management bullshit for ‘unauthorized service call’

    besides, the only thing ‘electrical’ near him was that street lamp (the electrical wires were on the opposite part of the pole & below him; those other wires up top were telecom cables)

  6. What would Dilbert say about Verizon management’s silly position about this event?

    Scott Adams often has insights in to big corp thinking that evades the rest of us – who can only only shake our heads and wonder what the hell is up with that nonsense (the polite word for BS or CS).

    Anyway, Verizon’s position is no doubt driven by corp lawyers, and a perfect example of why people hate lawyers and enjoy lawyer jokes where the lawyer fails to live past the end of the joke. Would the management position be the same if he had rescued a child, he would have faced the same risk doing so.

  7. This does generate some Pole Jokes.

    Verizon is Pole-a-rizing the public over this incident.

    What Verizon did is Poles away from what they should have done.

    When my Pole stands straight up like that…..ah, never mind.

  8. If Verizon really cared about their customers, they’d shitcan the 5G rollout. 5G, combined with a tainted food supply, will cull the population faster than the Spanish Flu of 1918.

    Verizon Philadelphia wastes a perfectly good PR situation to punish one of their own employees. What’s the matter, boys, isn’t FiOS making you enough money?

  9. @ Sylvia

    Philadelphia, you say. I’m surprised that cat survived 12 hours on the streets of Philly. It must have been up there overnight to not get hit by gunfire.

  10. Europe actually has a better idea for telephone poles than we do. They make them out of cement and have been for decades. Even films of France in WWII shows the cement poles. Cats can’t climb them, for one thing.

    Cat’s do crazy stuff, like climb things and then can’t get down because their claws curve inward.

  11. correction: after trying to enlarge the pic, that may be electrical tri-flex feeding the street lamp on the upper wire

    so, I may have unintentionally mis-informed our readership … apologies to anyone that may have been offended (isn’t that the way progtards ‘apologize’?)

  12. As usual, another corporation puts a drooling fucking moron in a management position where they make stupid ass fucking decisions based on the most impolitic and literal interpretations of rules with the goal of lowering costs at any excuse, even when it fucks up your company’s local marketing strategy by making it look like it’s run by a bunch of worthless fucking Neanderthal cunts from Hell.

  13. That is a low voltage line, you can work it with regular leather gloves (but it’s not legal to do so). I can clearly see his low voltage hot gloves, however he’s not wearing leather hot glove covers. Hot gloves are rubber and you’re working frequently with sharp metal it’s not safe (and it’s not legal) to use without cover gloves. He doesn’t get within the minimum approach distance of the line, but since he’s a comm’s lineman/tech or whatever, he cannot legally go above anything hot. Comms line’s are always at the bottom of the pole at least 8 feet below any distribution except comms fiber where they can double as a static on transmission line (splices that comm’s guys might need to work on are run down the pole and kept in a can on a rack for them). This guy didn’t do anything that could get him hurt or killed but he violated their company safety and osha safety regs, AND someone documented it.

  14. Not for the Fire Department. It’s a job for PECO, Philadelphia Electric Company.

    But they’d likely shut off power to the whole block; there’s no pole breaker in sight.

  15. Bob – I don’t know about you, but I have Verizon (not by choice) and it truly sucks. About 25% dropped calls, calls that don’t ring and go right to VM, simplex (one way audio) calls, garbled calls, etc. Very problematic. It’s the Third World phone system that just can’t suck enough! Wish I could change it, bit it’s company paid for.

  16. As I told my mother in law as she was nagging me to get the cat out of the tree… you never see a dead cat in a tree, they always get down. It’s the nagging that makes you go get them. I didn’t mention the cat might just fall out…

  17. I too am retired Vz. Outside plant. As stated above, what the guy did was very nice but was a violation of safe practice. Management is actually required to punish such a well documented violation. The problem is the fookin’ ubiquitous camera………
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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