a Dam Schiff – He Should Pay For This, No? – IOTW Report

a Dam Schiff – He Should Pay For This, No?

The opening statement that started it all, culled from the complete fiction of the Steele Dossier.

March 17th, 2017. (ty lcd)

18 Comments on a Dam Schiff – He Should Pay For This, No?

  1. PHenry I’d watch 2 hours of Schitt and Swallowell being keelhauled, then tarred and feathered,then dropped kicked down the Capital steps and out of Government.
    Thirdtwin: What a phuckin’ moroon! LOL

  2. I think that Schiff should receive the Clockwork Orange treatment – eyeballs forced opened so he can watch the 2016 election results over and over and over again (with intermissions full of Trump calling the MSM “fake news”).

  3. He needs to be publically executed, then Brennan, then Clapper and sell tickets for Hillary’s. Finally, Obama should be executed and it should be recorded and played before every game whether in grade school, junior high, senior high, college and professional and played before every movie starts.

  4. Anonymous, I think execution is too quick. Public adoration is everything to them.
    I want them to live long and suffer relentless humiliation and the real fear of lengthy imprisonment for their sins. They played in role in ruining peoples’ lives and should be made to pay.

  5. “You’re not cured yet boy”

    Clockwork Orange h/t – DavidW

    You can substitute people and names and it’s perfect! This really needs a good mashup for someone with that skill. Who would be the male and female doctors and who would be administering the eye serum drops??


    Great movie, a Burgess / Kubrick Classic, about pure nihilism and the State solution to what they created.

  6. Hmm … let’s see … tried to overturn a valid election by lying, dissimulation, corrupting the Judiciary, making phony accusations, and in conspiracy with others, both in Congress and in the Executive Branch.
    An attempt to circumvent the Constitution and the Constitutional rule of “We the People” by un-Constitutional means.
    He attempted to foist an un-elected usurping interloper in the White House against the will of the Electorate.

    Used to be a phrase for that – Conspiracy to Commit … uhh … commit something … what was it? He violated his Oath of Office, conspired to usurp the Presidency, and lied about it with the complicity of his party and the Press.

    Gee … in some places this would be considered a serious offense.

    izlamo delenda est …


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