“This was an illegal takedown that failed.” – President Donald J. Trump – IOTW Report

“This was an illegal takedown that failed.” – President Donald J. Trump

25 Comments on “This was an illegal takedown that failed.” – President Donald J. Trump

  1. In other words, a failed coup.

    This man isn’t gonna “go along to get along” like all the Republican slugs that can never seem to find a set of balls to take the fight TO the Left and decimate the bastards. He’s gonna make ’em pay. Bigly.

  2. He’s not wrong. In a less civilized country, Hillary Clinton would be roused from her bed and shot in the basement of a non-descript building.

    Followed in quick succession by Comey, Brennan, et al.

    It’s not like they don’t deserve it. But they should get a trial and then shot.

    Alot of other people’s pensions need to be seized.

  3. Do it by the book. In court. With discovery. Bankrupt each and everyone and convict the guilty.
    Strzok and his paramour, Lisa Paige.
    James Comey
    John Brennan.
    Hillary Clinton
    Loretta Lynch
    And the mafia kingpin himself. Barack Hussein Obama.

    Go after them all.

    I can’t wait to hear Chris Plante and Rush tomorrow. They’ll both be loaded for bear.

  4. Suck balls you damned dems, leftists, Never Trumpers and MAGA haters.

    Remember, POTUS DJT is not about hate he is just the Great Revaltor of it…and they are so full of ‘it’.


  5. Many people need to be going to jail in the FBI and DOJ, along with scum in both houses, too bad McCain can’t also see the big house, Clinton and those under her in the state department and Obama can’t be forgotten.

  6. @PHenry:

    Strzok and his paramour, Lisa Paige; James Comey, John Brennan, Hillary Clinton, Loretta Lynch. And the mafia kingpin himself. Barack Hussein Obama.

    Please don’t forget James Clapper. He and Brennan should have their butt cheeks super-glued to each other and be force fed Ex-Lax and spoiled cat food.

  7. Well now it’s official. Let the history books reflect that Hillary lost it all by herself by being an hideous, obnoxious, rotten cunt! No help at all wuz needed to defeat that sick, old, lying, four-flushing, disingenuous, money grubbing, influence pedaling, prevaricating, cold, calculating, deceitful, falling-down, divisive Bitch!
    Now it’s our turn. Start indicting and prosecuting that screeching Basilisk along with all her flying monkeys!

  8. At this moment, the surrender wing of the Republican Party is adjusting their ties, clearing their throats and reciting in a mirror, “Now, let’s move on, don’t look back, don’t take vengeance on those who were just curious about our national security for the first time in their lives. We don’t want to look partisan.”

    And those voices need to be ignored. All of the Deep State rotten motherfuckers must go to jail and be bankrupted for what they’ve done.

    Leaks investigated. Media collaborators prosecuted. MSNBC should have their FCC license revoked. They weren’t committing Journalism. They were active participants in a coup attempt. Journ-O-list never died and what you’ve seen is collusion between all of them to disenfranchise every Trump voter. It’s a civil rights case.

    It is nothing less than that.


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