So Sick of Mouth Breathing, Nose Picking Morons on the Left That Claim the President Called Neo-Nazis “Fine People.” – IOTW Report

So Sick of Mouth Breathing, Nose Picking Morons on the Left That Claim the President Called Neo-Nazis “Fine People.”

You can still hear leftist pundits, to this day, claim that Trump called neo-Nazis fine people.

They are also all over Twitter, and frankly you just want to grab them by their puny necks and choke the lies out of them.

HERE is the full transcript of the infamous day. Somehow, these dirtbags hear the president say something he never said.


11 Comments on So Sick of Mouth Breathing, Nose Picking Morons on the Left That Claim the President Called Neo-Nazis “Fine People.”

  1. it was a done deal. her turn!

    wipe all these crimes under the rug and we never would have known any of it.

    thank all the gods for donald trump.

    giant monkey wrench in all their baby eating children farming occult evil plans.

  2. I was listening to the Monica Perez show on the Sunday after the Christchurch matter, and every other caller was another fine person from the left who would repeat the “Called Nazis Fine People” canard, usually followed by “Said All Mexicans Are Rapists” canard. Perez quickly figured out that she was under NPC attack and shut that shit down. What happy, fulfilling lives these NPCs must live.

  3. “They are also all over Twitter, and frankly you just want to grab them by their puny necks and choke the lies out of them.”

    The only time they’re honest, is if you have your hands around their necks.

    Corollary: If you have your hands around their necks, you don’t really need them to be honest.

  4. I swear everyone who is a leftist gets approved talking points in their email every day.
    “Trump is still crooked. There was illegal activity.”
    “We’re all insane and will continue to show it.”
    Even idiots who try to sound smart in comment sections.
    The new one is that Republicans during Lincoln’s time were liberals and Democrats were conservatives.
    Gawd, they love to make lame excuses and rewrite history.
    They all need to be dope slapped up the back of the head.

  5. Repeat the lie often enough from enough places and suppress the truth at the same time in all of those places and a large majority of the people will end up believing it.

    It’s just the way the mind woks, hear it enough and it becomes accepted as truth even if it is nothing but myth.


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