What Happens When Low IQ People Run a City? You Get Chicago – IOTW Report

What Happens When Low IQ People Run a City? You Get Chicago

Is Chicago corrupt? Sure. But don’t dignify (lol) the powers in Chicago by suggesting that it’s only corruption we are witnessing. They are STUPID.

You want an example?

Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx said in a statement, “”After reviewing all of the facts and circumstances of the case, including Mr. Smollet’s volunteer service in the community and agreement to forfeit his bond to the City of Chicago, we believe this outcome is a just disposition and appropriate resolution to this case.”

Smollett’s family released a statement Tuesday saying Jussie’s character was “unjustly smeared.”

“Our son and brother is an innocent man whose name and character has been unjustly smeared, the statement said. “Jussie is a son, a brother, a partner, a champion for human rights, and a genuine soul who would never be capable of what he was falsely accused of. He was the victim of an assault and then falsely blamed for his own attack. This morning truth has prevailed and he has been vindicated. All charges have been dismissed and his record expunged (cleared). The painful incidents we’ve witnessed him endure over the past 7 weeks have been heartbreaking and unjust to say the least. While many were quick to rush to judgement before hearing the actual truth, we are grateful that the truth about Jussie has come to light. We look forward to bringing the real perpetrators to justice. We thank God and our village for standing by us during this trying time.” 


Why would you ask an innocent man to forfeit his ten grand? And why would an innocent man agree to give it up?

When you’re stupid, you don’t even know you have chocolate cookie crumbs on your face when you deny eating the cookies.

Also, Kim Foxx doesn’t even spell Smollett correctly in her released statement.


43 Comments on What Happens When Low IQ People Run a City? You Get Chicago

  1. They aren’t stupid. They just assume that we are.

    They will point to the fact that the charges were dropped to support their narrative, just as manufacturing the “obstruction” charges against Trump associates is used to portray Trump as guilty.

    They are not stupid. They know exactly what they are doing and the MSM helps them every step of the way.

  2. I don’t want to shock anyone, but “self-recused” Cook Co States Atty Kim Foxx is good friends with the obama’s and as was whispered weeks ago, this was the likely outcome.

  3. The Obama plan to unravel American institutions continues unabated. The refusal by obama and his thug Atty Gen Eric Holder to prosecute the New Black Panthers was just the opening salvo. Ferguson, Baltimore, etc were
    manifestations of the same policy.

    What an abhorrent stain Obama was.

  4. Stupid means Politics, and Seattle is just as stupid. I made an early am run into Micky D’s at the Space Needle and upon entering was greeted by at least 3 vagrants who wanted something. I went to the men’s room to find an Obama Son brushing his teeth, and when I left saw that he had dropped his pants for me. The food was rotten… and all in the line of sight of the Billy Gates World Emporium, the very man who has harmed more children with simulated gun violence than any man who ever visited the Planet. Stupid Yes, Political, Yes. Seattle is a Shithole made that way by Political Libs who glory in their new buildings but whose morality is on display in every bathroom in town. Oh, and I can’t forget the homeless lady to beat on my truck window for money when I left.
    The first clue something is wrong in a City is when begging turns into entitlement.

  5. Foxx recused herself from this case then magically dropped back in to force the case to be dropped.!?!? I guess she felt safe because a bill that would allow for Recall of the Mayor, City Councillors and the Cook County District Attorney (Foxx) was introduced and defeated in November 2016.

    Foxx got visits from representatives of Michelle Obama among others and one wonders what the quid pro quo was that was enough for Foxx to be so obviously bought.

    This is where the newly seated US AG needs to step in with an investigation (keep it quiet and use a secret Grand Jury) because there’s nothing the City or for that matter the State can do when the DA sells herself.

    As I mentioned before the riots that could have broken out in Chicago (along with the looting and burning and murdering) if this bastard had been believed would likely have been horrific.

  6. Just following the example set by Lynch/Comey/Hillary.

    And the example of another Chicago favorite son – Bill Ayers – the guilty as hell, free as a bird, what a country guy.

  7. I think You’re right 3rdtwin. F the rule of law. Their hope is to send a message that we have the gay, the black, the Hollywood backs and political power. Now this smug little POs will wander around doing interviews and giving advice, etc. held up as a beacon of hope in this racists country. Now go back to making $1.5M. a year for your opporession.

  8. Fat Mike obama was involved in getting smolett off. Sickening, huh?

    Sure, they’re all morons,but they coukd not exist without the help of thwir puppetmasters of the swamp.

  9. Truly a parallel universe they live in. He PAID two people (by check, I might add) to stage an attack to blame white Trump supporters for his fake beating yet they insist he is an innocent man whose reputation has been unjustly smeared. And WE rushed to judgement before the truth came out? What is their version of the truth? I’d love to hear it. Here is the truth: he belongs to at least two sanctioned victim classes with friends in very high places.

  10. ChiTown earned the rep as most corrupt city in America over 110 years ago When Hover sent in The Untouchables to clean the mess he earned the scorn of liberals II BOTH parties
    There 2 GOP progressive crooks in Ill prisons right now! Along with a handful of D.

    Clan names of the GOP lib jailbirds : Ryan, Hasrtrtt

  11. “Vigilante justice” is a concept that is predicated on government having a legitimate monopoly on dispensing justice. Legitimacy demands that the government actually make a good faith effort to see that justice is done, without that good faith effort government has forfeit it’s legitimate claim to monopoly on dispensation of justice and the citizenry taking the law into its own hands is not vigilantism when that happens.

  12. Children, Mr. Trump ‘got off’ so their side needed one a tit for tat victory.
    That’s like a child molester being let off because he could ‘do more good’ on the outside, warning children not to talk to strangers

  13. Nothing they say is needed to define them. Judge them by what they do.

    Primitives that belong an ocean away from here.
    Western Civilization requires IQ points they clearly lack.

  14. Criminals are stupid. That’s why it’s not difficult unraveling their criminal intent.

    Unfortunately, there are high level socialist operatives who are clever enough to game, in this case, the judicial system.
    Socialist operatives assisted by a complicit, biased leftist media, including corrupt Chicago government “officials” who are more than willing to support criminal acts to promote a political objective.

  15. Let’s call this what it is. A black woman with a chip on her shoulder rose to power as State’s Attorney and has declared Niggah Holiday. Go ahead and go about your niggah life. There will be no accountability or repercussions. Have at it.

  16. He used the federal mail to send terroristic threats.

    Why seal a record of innocence?

    Why forfeit an innocent man’s cash?

    I’d say this is Keystone Cops but Shitcago PD did their job here.

    This is Keystone Comrades with the DA taking requests from Michelle O.

    So, if the hunt for the real perps is ongoing, what leads have detectives been following on?

    Trump needs to have his DoJ team there tonight.

    Press conference with Trump:

    Trump says, “I know Jussie isn’t my biggest fan but I’m President of All of America. Hate crimes, especially ones allegedly committed in my name will not be tolerated. We’re going to bring the people who did this to justice with the full force of the law.”

    *mic drop*

    Do it. It will drive them bananas. Not in a good way.

  17. Let’s see: Jussie Smollett got off by paying a bribe (his forfeited bond). Kim Foxx should publish a schedule of the amounts of the bribes required to get her office to drop charges for various crimes. You know, $100,000 for rape, $1,000,000 for murder. Only dems can benefit from this dispensation. No deplorables need apply.


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