Watch How Casually Leftist Pols Can Lie To Their Constituents – IOTW Report

Watch How Casually Leftist Pols Can Lie To Their Constituents

The ‘red flag bill’ would allow anyone to make an accusation of your mental health and then come and take your guns. This is an example of a state representative who represents a rural mountainous county that gets most of its tax dollars from outdoor recreation. That includes hunting.

Farmers and ranchers there are livid. -Willysgoatgruff

State senator Kerry Donavan is all for a bill that allows the government to “[Seize} your property and suspend your constitutional rights without due process based upon suspicion and accusations. Welcome to leftism, Colorado.” –Who’sYourDaddy?

Watch her get angry when confronted on her lies —

She really believes things happened the way she imagined them. Note how violently she reacted when her psychosis was challenged. The Left does not see us as human beings. We’re cardboard cutouts in the stage-plays of their minds.

15 Comments on Watch How Casually Leftist Pols Can Lie To Their Constituents

  1. I’ve got a feeling that being falsely accused and convicted in a star chamber of being dangerous will eventually -and probably in short order- be the same as being adjudicated mentally ill and end up making you a forbidden person for firearms possession.

    All without the slightest chance of even knowing who the witness against you was much less the constitutionally guaranteed right to confront them in court.

  2. She’s quite articulate, isn’t she?

    ‘Thank you misters chair…sorry…um…had much more thoughtful longer remarks to add to come up to the mike and add’. Her floor speech rambles from there. Who does this bumbling fool think she is? Alexandria Ocasio Colorado?

  3. Wow, what a bitc*!!!!
    More ticked off that she actually got confronted by the riff raff in her district and the Sheriff had the nerve to call out her lies.
    Some libidiots are trying to pass “red flag” laws here in Maine. Our fake Republican Senator Collins supports it.

    Here is the letter I sent to Collins and the Governor and everyone I could think of:

    Please abandon your support for the so called red flag laws. That type of law is unconstitutional. It is ripe for abuse. It is guilty before proven innocent. It is prosecution without constitutional rights of legal search and seizure, legal representation, a speedy trial with a jury of peers. It is dangerous and a huge step to a Venezuela style gun confiscation.
    Of course if that’s what you’re going for in violating your oath of office support of the terrible legislation would make that painfully obvious.

  4. ‘Kerry Donavan really?’
    This twice removed from family holiday occasions after my 98 year old Graeme, bitch slap her so hard the first EMT’s on the scene were amazed she still had a pulse.
    For future reference, EMTs, know socially when it’s beneficial to give it up.

  5. I like how she clapped her hands to silence the applause. It was a tantrum. Just like the many she has had so many times in the grocery store isles…..Spoiled children shouldn’t be in government….

  6. @ Willys,
    Your 7:30 comment I completely agree with, but taking it one step farther, when she yelled and clapped her hands, most everybody shut the fook up!!!! I would have said: Fook you bitch!
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell
    and she’s fluffy…………

  7. Don’t we actually have a “red flag” system whereby multiple people “see something, say something” involving someone like say, Nikolas Cruz, but then the cops ignore them? What is another law going to do in that case?
    I can’t see this legislation being used for any reason in a libtard state but to harass those that aren’t libtards.


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