The Inevitable “Hitler Finds Out” Video – The Mueller Investigation Edition – IOTW Report

The Inevitable “Hitler Finds Out” Video – The Mueller Investigation Edition

We’re posting this despite all of the infuriating spelling errors. They hit too many home runs in this one not to post. (Especially the end line.) -bfh

Something tells me Nancy Pelosi must have a similar reaction when told there would be no indictments. Language warning Watch

12 Comments on The Inevitable “Hitler Finds Out” Video – The Mueller Investigation Edition

  1. This is Jeff Zucker EXACTLY!!! The shaking hands, the verklempt rantings, this is the NBC bunker.

    “Trump made a fool out of all of us”, is there anything that encapsulates the Democrat demise better than this?

    The best “Hitler in the bunker” video by far.

  2. This quote from the Mo Brooks story BigOwe shared: “It’s unconscionable for a member of Congress to demonize an opposing party by claiming it’s comparable to Nazism”. (From the ADL) Really? Have they not listened to the histrionic screeds of Democrats who have done EXACTLY that?


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