DHS Releases 24K Border Crossers, Illegal Aliens into U.S. in Two Weeks – IOTW Report

DHS Releases 24K Border Crossers, Illegal Aliens into U.S. in Two Weeks


The Department of Homeland Security released 24,000 foreign family members who crossed through the United States-Mexico border into the U.S. over the course of two weeks this month, Breitbart News has confirmed.

In newly confirmed federal data from the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency, Breitbart News has learned that the country’s Catch and Release program has resulted in the mass release of border crossers and illegal aliens on a weekly basis.

For months, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials have said privately that the Catch and Release program has been taken to new heights, while ICE union officials declared this week that the program was in “overdrive” under the direction of DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.

Between March 5 and March 20, about 24,000 border crossers and illegal aliens have been released into the interior of the U.S. while they await their immigration and asylum hearings. The vast majority of these foreign nationals never appear at their hearings and the overwhelming majority are never deported from the country after release by DHS.

The Catch and Release process often entails federal immigration officials busing border crossers into nearby border cities and dropping them off with the promise that they will show up for their immigration and asylum hearings, sometimes years later.

The data obtained by Breitbart News reveals those 24,000 individuals were released through these areas:

  • 2,500 border crossers released in San Diego, California
  • 4,000 border crossers released in Phoenix, Arizona
  • 7,500 border crossers released in El Paso, Texas
  • 10,000 border crossers released in San Antonio, Texas

Overall, in the last three months, 108,500 border crossers and illegal aliens have been released by DHS into the interior of the country. Nearly 50,000 of these border crossers and illegal aliens, alone, were released in the San Antonia area since the beginning of the year.


12 Comments on DHS Releases 24K Border Crossers, Illegal Aliens into U.S. in Two Weeks

  1. So tell me again what Federal laws I can break and get away with.

    This is insane! Maybe that A.O.C. nut case was right we will be done in 12 years as a country but not because of Climate Change.

  2. The leftist/commie/fascist bastards are rushing the entire third world rat people population over our borders as fast as possible to hasten the end of our beautiful country. It makes me furious and sick. Dammit!!!!!

  3. The article clearly states, …”Catch and Release program has been taken to new heights, while ICE union officials declared this week that the program was in “overdrive” under the direction of DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.” This was Trump’s choice to head DHS. She is obviously a closet Commie, or Trump has no power of control over his own selected cabinet. All his campaign promises become lies. Illegals are still actually being helped in!

    “President Donald Trump Wednesday ordered troops “immediately” to the border to stop illegal immigration, and Nielsen told reporters at the afternoon White House press briefing that the Department of Defense and Department of Homeland Security are working to make his order happen.”

  4. We’re being played. I’m sick of the fucking lies and deceit. How is it possible one rogue judge can overturn laws and allow this invasion to continue. This couldn’t be happening without tacit approval from both sides despite what they’re telling us.
    For every one of these lowlife’s that come through it weakens our ability to maintain our position for an orderly immigration process.
    It’s probably already too late. We’re dealing with way too many traitors within.

  5. Pick a place on the border and build a large three sided fence attached to the border wall. Open on the border side.

    Place the invaders through a gate on our side. Tell them they are free to go anywhere they like, just not into the US. After all, there is no fence or wall on the southern side of the facility.

    Mexico cannot complain we are dumping on them, because we released them on the US side of the border.


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