Rosie O’Donuts Says a High Level Woman Athlete “Has To Be a Little Gay” – IOTW Report

Rosie O’Donuts Says a High Level Woman Athlete “Has To Be a Little Gay”


Joy Behar speculated that O’Donnell had a crush on Hasselbeck, which O’Donnell confirms in the book. “I think there were underlying lesbian undertones on both parts,” O’Donnell says about her working relationship with Hasselbeck. O’Donnell backed up this idea with some dubious evidence. “I think this is something that will hurt her if you write it. She was the MVP of a Division 1 softball team for two years that won the finals. There are not many, in my life, girls with such athletic talent on sports teams that are traditionally male that aren’t at least a little bit gay.

Although O’Donnell was attracted to Hasselbeck, she never wanted to act on it. There was a little bit of a crush,” O’Donnell says in the book. “But not that I wanted to kiss her. I wanted to support, raise, elevate her, like she was the freshman star shortstop and I was the captain of the team.” O’Donnell changed sports metaphors from baseball to basketball. I was going to Scottie Pippen her. If I was Jordan, I was going to give her and the ball and let her shoot. But it was in no way sexualized.”


24 Comments on Rosie O’Donuts Says a High Level Woman Athlete “Has To Be a Little Gay”

  1. Everybody has their fantasies. Fantasies do not usually include Rosie ODoorknob.
    Sharing her fantasies causes one to grab a dremel tool with a wire brush attachment. Leaving only the question, crotchal area, eyeballs or both?

  2. “I think there were underlying lesbian undertones on both parts,”

    [snicker] Yeah, and I’m sure Gal Godot is saving herself, waiting for my divorce. Ugly and delusional, a potent combination.

  3. ‘Joy Behar speculated’
    That’s just foul,,,
    Got me wrenching right there feeling a need to fist bumb something,,except for the odor.
    Your a much better man than I!

  4. Thar she blows!
    A tourist boat was nearly capsized when the vessel ventured too close during a breach. Rosie broke the surface then tail slapped creating enormous waves and soaking the hapless shutterbugs.


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