Former Federal Prosecutor Testifies Michael Cohen Told Him He Had ‘Nothing Truthful’ Showing Trump’s Guilt – IOTW Report

Former Federal Prosecutor Testifies Michael Cohen Told Him He Had ‘Nothing Truthful’ Showing Trump’s Guilt

Former federal prosecutor Robert Costello testified before Congress Wednesday that Michael Cohen — the star witness in Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s case against former President Donald Trump — told him he had “nothing truthful” implicating Trump of a crime.

Costello, who advised Cohen when he became the subject of investigation by federal prosecutors in the Southern District of New York, told the House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government that Cohen is now on a “revenge tour” against Trump and lacks credibility. His testimony challenges claims Cohen made on the witness stand during Trump’s Manhattan trial. more

6 Comments on Former Federal Prosecutor Testifies Michael Cohen Told Him He Had ‘Nothing Truthful’ Showing Trump’s Guilt

  1. All they are doing is creating more and more Trump supporters in the process of trying to railroad Trump, while people like Robert De Niro are alienating more and more with their crazy antics! Just goes to show, you can’t fix stupid!

  2. Harry
    THURSDAY, 16 MAY 2024, 9:14 AT 9:14 AM
    “All they are doing is creating more and more Trump supporters in the process of trying to railroad Trump”


    That way, when they put him in jail – and they will – it greatly increases the odds they get the violent reaction they want. They don’t care if their own useful idiots get maimed or killed as long as they have an excuse to finally bring down the iron fist and finish abrogating the hated Constitution in favor of a Communist dictatorship led by globalist.

    At least that’s how they THINK it will play out.

    They know they can’t win honestly, or even cheat convincingly this time, so the last card in the deck between themselves and a well-earned traitors gallows is to go full tyrant with the aid of the Chinese they’ve been busily importing, supported by UN troops and Chinese Red Army regulars as well as whatever they’ve been cobbling together among other “refugee” imports.

    They die, or we do, is how they see it.

    And cornered rats will attack without worrying about the odds.

  3. Say what?
    THURSDAY, 16 MAY 2024, 9:41 AT 9:41 AM
    ‘“House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government”

    That would make a good letterhead.’

    …on a Sternly Worded Letter.


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